New Cycling Club in West Norfolk

New Cycling Club in West Norfolk

Velouse Flyers are based, as the name implies, near the river Ouse at West Lynn Sports and Social Club. Their mission is to bring on the sports riders of the future to a standard that will make them safe, competitive and potential winners. Their motto, “For people who want to improve”. The club was started about 18 months ago by some excellent sporting riders, who are still prepared to train and coach youngsters, while keeping their own personal fitness to a very high level.

Although this year has been made difficult by Covid 19 regulations the club meets regularly under strict rules every Monday for juniors and Tuesday for over 16-year olds or accompanied even younger riders for road training. There is a great spirit of camaraderie within the club with the youngsters and their coaches. They are looking to increase the club membership for both students and teachers.

Velouse club riders will be competing, Covid rules permitting, in the Muddy Monsters league, where riders up to 16 years old compete in age groups in off-road events known as Cyclocross. Next year will see the return of the Summer Road Race League, organised by Eastern Region British Cycling together with Time Trial events organised locally. There are numerous other activities available, cycling associated, and the club is keen to establish itself locally.

Chairman of the club and head coach Maciej Malyszka, is ably assisted by Peter Elsegood, Nigel Diamond and Tom Middleton, other volunteers are on hand to help out and many are taking the appropriate coaching qualifications. Old Friend of this writer is Ken Roesner, who was on hand to introduce the club and its organisers. Ken is now 60 years old and holds a title of national champion for his age group, still incredibly fit with a background of most disciplines in cycling, he has inspirational experience. Ken is a phenomenal asset to any cycling organisation. For full details of the club’s ambitions and achievements contact via or try Facebook.

Go Ride by British Cycling say: “Whether it’s a spin in the back garden, splashing through puddles in the park or tearing around a local pump track: cycling is an essential part of growing up”.

“Embracing this approach, we created the HSBC UK Go-Ride programme - with over 350 children’s cycling clubs helping thousands of young people enjoy the freedom of cycling and develop lifelong skills.”

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