Celebrate New Year’s Day with a beach clean

Celebrate New Year’s Day with a beach clean
29kg of litter was collected during a beach clean at Old Hunstanton this summer

Sea Shepherd UK, a marine conservation charity, are offering an alternative way to celebrate the new decade.

They are welcoming members of the public to join them for a beach clean at Old Hunstanton on January 1st, 2020.

Sea Shepherd UK say:

“Everyone loves walking along the beach, but nobody likes walking along the beach covered with washed up litter.

“Marine debris is having a devastating impact on our oceans worldwide. It's harmful to all marine life, causing injury, entanglement, and starvation when it's mistakenly ingested - all often with fatal consequences.

“We welcome members of the public to join together with our volunteers and our Marine Debris Campaign to protect and conserve our coastline and marine environments by helping to remove rubbish from our oceans.”

They are meeting outside Old Town Beach Café at 10am on New Year’s Day and will provide equipment but urge people to wear thick gloves and suitable footwear.

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