Borough Council news from Terry Parish
- By Terry Parish
- 3 months ago
- West Norfolk
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Terry was recently injured in a road accident and is recovering at home. Here is his latest news from the Borough.
As I write this there is a (slight) promise of snow. My son, in Essex, had some flakes descending whilst my daughter, in N. Lincs, had sufficient for my grandson to make a very small snowman at 6am. I like snow and its rarity here makes any potential snowfall an anticipatory joy. Why am I writing all this in a ‘political’ column? Well, through no fault of my own I have been now absent from most Council business for 3 weeks and it will be another one before I begin to take up my full part in it. So, snow talk is a bit of padding. For those of you who have different opinions about the white stuff, it is a County responsibility so chase up County Cllrs if there are any associated problems.
Looking back at last month’s article: The lavender junction improvements have been completed and there wasn’t any major issue ate Lamsey Lane. There is a new grass bank visible from the lavender lights which seems and ideal spot for wild flowers and/or spring bulbs.
The Cheney Hill development is not before planning in December so look out for it in the New Year. I attempted to put a comment on the planning portal about the latest amendments’ I typed in quit a long response, albeit slowly due to problems I have, and when I pressed submit a message came up saying I had timed out. No warning and my work was lost. I have complained and would like to know if anyone else has had similar problems.
The booking system for the NCC recycling centres is now live despite significant challenges by both Heacham and Sedgeford Parish Councils whose communities use the Heacham centre. Please tell me and your Parish councils of your experiences with this system.
The new affordable housing in Hunstanton. I spoke at Cabinet and requested that priority be given to those in need within the locality of Hunstanton. This fell on deaf ears and there was no change made at the subsequent Council meeting. I could not attend that but another councillor made the same request. In effect, anyone living and working in or around Hunstanton and needing affordable accommodation will not get it if someone at the other end of West Norfolk is higher up the housing list. Thought there is some logic in this I think it is flawed. In addition, new amendments made by government mean that such housing is likely not to be protected within the Borough either. If anyone within the Heacham Ward, Heacham, Sedgeford, Fring, is in need of such housing and find themselves well down the list please tell me. If you live in Hunstanton or nearby then contact your Borough Cllrs.
I did mange to speak, online, at the last planning committee. I restricted myself to the proposed holiday development at Pentney Woods. Without going into detail, this was a dire application on many levels. Planning committee surprised me by overturning officers’ recommendation to approve it by a large majority, possibly by all members – I am unsure of that. It was a reminder that planning committees are essential at a time when government is seeking to tie their hands.
The farming community is protesting today, 19th November, about the new inheritance tax. I fully support their stance. I am not a farmer but strongly believe in food security, British food, local food, and the continuity needed on land to ensure it is manged well by people who have an ingrained, family, interest in it. The Council support the tourist industry almost without thought for its impact but little is said about farming, our other major industry and one which is far more important to our current and future lives. Anything which has the potential to interfere with sustainable farming should be resisted. And, the environment is protected by those with a personal interest in land.
Enjoy any snow or, if not inclined to do so, grumble quietly as global warming is going to make it something to read about in history books.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year