Bereaved offered funeral services via internet from Mintlyn Crematorium

Bereaved offered funeral services via internet from Mintlyn Crematorium

As faith leaders are now being urged to restrict the number of mourners attending a funeral so that they can maintain a safe distance from one another, a little known service provided by the Borough Council may help people wishing to pay their last respects to a departed loved one without attending in person. The Crematorium run by the Council offers those who, for whatever reason, cannot attend the service the option of viewing the service via the internet.

The introduction of the national lockdown on 23 March saw gatherings limited to two people and all public events including weddings banned, but funerals were exempt. However, only members of the same household and close family members should attend according to the guidance. Public Health England have said that social distancing should be maintained as there is a very real risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Services at Mintlyn Crematorium are broadcast to the internet to mourners via a password protected website A username and password for the individual service can be obtained from the Crematorium.

To use the service mourners should contact Mintlyn Crematorium on 01553 630533 or email

Everyone is asked to please apply in plenty of time to enable the Council team the chance to respond and provide the username and password.

Town and Around thanks Cllr Charles Joyce for providing this information.

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