Page 3 - Hunstanton Town & Around - September 2013
P. 3

Tel: 01485 533422 email:                   Hunstanton Town & Around September 2013 3

        FIRST WORD
                                                                                   S & J Partyka Ltd
        Another month and another full magazine. Thank you to everyone who has
        written and sent photos and items for inclusion. It is much appreciated.    (plumbing & heating)
          I have received two anonymous letters this month, one about fly-tipping
        and the other about parking. It has always been the magazine’s policy not   a family owned local business
        to print anonymous items, however I will withhold names if requested, so    with over 30 years experience
        if either of the correspondents want to get in touch, the letters may appear
        in next month’s edition.                                                     “you can count on us for a
          My thanks as always to the team of deliverers and to our advertisers.        professional service”
        there are new ones again this month, so please take the time to see if they
        are offering something you need and see if you can support them.
          I enthused about the ballet at Drove Orchards last month and the good  01485 570688 - 07831 776881
        news is that the Apple Ladies complete with Pastila, ballet and mime are
        back for a full weekend on 28th-29th September. See page 53 for details.
          Many congratulations to Smithdon School for their best ever A-level
        results released as this magazine goes to print. Their 9% improvement this  all plumbing and heating work undertaken
        year is simply wonderful. And on the subject of education, good luck to  ‡   from a new tap washer to a full bathroom
        everyone starting a new school, college or university this month.  installation
                                                                  ‡   from  a  new radiator  valve  to a  full heating
        Best wishes for September                                    system
                                                                  ‡   QHZ JDV ERLOHUV ÀWWHG
                                                                  ‡   boiler servicing
        Elaine Bird, Editor, Hunstanton Newsletter                ‡   FHQWUDO KHDWLQJ SRZHU ÁXVKLQJ
        PO Box 39, Hunstanton St Edmund PE36 9AE  T: 01485 533422  w a t er - g as  -  oil -  air s ource  E:
        Read the magazines online at:
        Town and Around - Winner: 'Best Print' in the NPM Awards 2012
        Follow the latest local stories on Twitter @hunny_bird                “all work fully guaranteed”
        1/8 page: 88mm wide x 60mm high OR 180mm wide x 29mm high £28 per issue or
        £140 for 6 months (£23.33) pro rata                   THE GRANARY
        ¼ page 88mm wide x 122 high (portrait) OR 180mm wide x 60mm high (landscape)
        £44 per issue or £220 for six months (£36.66 pro rata)  THE COFFEE POT
        ½ page180 mm wide x 122mm high (landscape) OR 88mm wide x 246mm high
        (portrait) £87 per issue or £436 for six months (£72.66 pro rata)  CRAFTS AND GIFTS
        Full page 180mm wide x 246mm high £159 per issue or £790 for six months (£131.66  ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLE
        pro rata)                                             FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES
        Advertising copy is needed by 12th of the month preceding publication. The copy date  Tel: 07760 115888
        for items for inclusion is also 12th.  No part of the magazine may be reproduced, stored  Email: granary.sne
        in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any other form, or by any other means without  www.thegranarysne
        written prior permission. Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved. This magazine reflects  Facebook: The Granary Sne sham
        the views of its contributors; not necessarily those of its editor or advertisers.
                                                              THE COFFEE POT:
                                                              Daily Specials, Homemade Fayre, Snacks & Refreshments,
         Town and Around is distributed to this area..
                                                              Sunday Lunches, Takeaways, Gifts, Preserves and Confectionery
                                                              NEW IN STOCK DAILY
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