Page 10 - Hunstanton Town & Around - September 2013
P. 10
10 Hunstanton Town & Around September 2013 Tel: 01485 533422 email:
The late July Coastal Tweetup saw us venture
back to Kings Lynn where we were welcomed
with open arms by Denver Mill. Lindsay and her
family could not have been more hospitable and
it was a lovely setting too. Our previous visit to
South Quay was at Marriotts Warehouse which
!" "# very enjoyable also but the rustic Denver Mill
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has a very different warm and cosy feel to it.
The generous food provided for us was
wonderful and I was sorry I had eaten dinner
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before coming! A platter of olives, tapas and
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# $% % & bread followed by another platter of steak
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sandwiches and hand cut chips was a welcome surprise to us tweeties. We will
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+ definitely be coming back to Denver Mill before too long and hope we will be
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0 equally welcome.
Since the summer holidays have taken over everyone’s mindset and people are
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coming and going on their various holiday breaks the next Coastal Tweetup will
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, (( 1 not be until September so you have not missed out in case you were wondering.
2 (3443 -3'$3- Once again we look forward to meeting more old and new friends next time.
Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Time: 7pm
Place: TBC
If you would like to join in but do not use Twitter please do not let that put you
off. We would love to see you! If you want any further information about
@CoastalTweetUp please contact Stella on 07788 645157 or visit www.norfolk-
Beginners to Tai Chi
Starts Tues 10th Sept 2013
10 am to 10:30 am
Hunstanton Town Hall
£3 per class
This class will prepare participants to join the
main class which follows on at
10:30 am to 12 Noon.
For further information or to join the class email: or telephone
07919 906330 or simply come along on the day.
West Norfolk Tai Chi Many people say they like Tai Chi Level Instructor with the Tai Chi
because they feel different after Tai union for Great Britain.
Glenn Belton Chi, with a clearer mind and better I have long-standing classes at
Beginners to Tai Chi can start to body must be coordinated and mood. Wells, Downham Market, Kings
play the ancient chinese art of Tai balance maintained; all the joints At Hunstanton, we have an Lynn as well as at Hunstanton, with
Chi in Hunstanton on Tuesday 10th are moved through their full range established class with a steady around 15 people in each class. I
Sept 2013. This class will run from of motion, muscles and soft tissue membership that runs form 10:30 also teach bespoke small groups
10 am to 10:30 am every Tuesday; is gently stretched and muscle and am to 12 Noon. The idea of the new and one to one sessions.
taking place at Hunstanton Town bone strength is maintained through 10 am class is to prepare beginners Further information can be
Hall at a fee of £3 per class. the lowered posture. to move into the main class. obtained at: www.west-norfolk-tai-
Tai Chi is an interesting activity Tai Chi is very popular all over We have an excellent venue in If you are interested or
that relaxes mind and body. It has the world now, but began it's the main hall at Hunstanton Town have questions, please contact me
physical benefits, such as: improved existence as a Chinese martial art. It Hall. We have ample room, natural at:
balance, posture, flexibility, is still widely practiced as a martial daylight windows and it is nice and
concentration, coordination, art, but more people now do Tai Chi quiet for a relaxing class. or on 07919 906330. Otherwise,
strength. as a purely health, fitness, wellbeing I have over 23 years experience simply come along at 10 am on the
One moves slowly and hobby. of Tai Chi and was only satisfied day.
attentively from one posture to Tai Chi is suitable for all age that I was ready to teach after I had West Norfolk Tai Chi Chuan
another in a lowered stance. The groups and genders, in fact all can been practicing for some 16 years.
movement of lower body and upper enjoy and benefit from Tai Chi. I am now qualified as an Advanced