Page 8 - Town & Around - October 2022
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8  Town & Around October 2022                                                       Tel: 01485 540620 email:
       Medical and first aid supplies for Ukraine

            ou may have read Chris Bishop’s article on page 4 of the
            September issue of Town and Around. Here Mykola (Nick)
       Yand Nataliya give us an update on their fundraising activities.
        Nataliya said: “Thank you to everybody who gave a donation or
       ordered a tee-shirt or bag at the Old Hunstanton flower festival,
       £300.00 was raised from donations and so far the total for tee- shirts
       is again £300.00”
        An energy expert and founder of the NGO New Generation
       Management, Nick has been involved in charity projects since 2009
       for the country’s orphanages and children's homes, and educational
       projects for schools in Ukraine. Now he is working as a volunteer for
       the Ukrainian military. He said: “We have already raised [$5500] and
       bought Nissan X-Trail 4x4, filled it with medical supplies and an
       electricity generator, sent it to the eastern part of Ukraine and handed
       it over to the army.
        “Now we are raising funds to buy a Land Rover Defender to fill with
       medical supplies and perhaps a generator; the Defender is the ideal   Credit: Chris Bishop
       vehicle to tackle the terrain and it can get through to assist injured
       people where ambulances would get stuck.”             The project is called Defender for the defenders of Ukraine.
        If you would like to make a donation towards this please go to the   “Thank you again for all your donations towards helping Ukraine,”
       just giving page at:                                the couple added.

       International junior sailors at Snettisham Beach Sailing Club

            oungsters from Ukraine, Estonia, the USA and Japan are
            sailing at one of the leading watersports clubs on the East
        Vlad Klimov is a 15 year old Ukranian guest staying with member
       Guy Tasker since he arrived with his mother Tanya in May 2022. He
       had his first sail with Guy in August 2022 and since then took part in
       Cadet Week at the club and is now really at home and enjoying solo
       sailing in a Topper. Although he hopes he doesn’t have to stay here for
       long, getting into sailing is really helping to make the best use of Vlad’s
       time in the UK.

                                                              Left to right: Guy Tasker, Jennie Tasker, Vlad Klimov, Tanya
                                                                         Klimov. Credit: Guy Tasker

       Vlad Klimov sailing a Topper on the RSPB lake at Snettisham Beach
                       SC. Credit: Guy Tasker

        Equally welcome are Eric and Karl Tallinn, twin brothers from
       Estonia who are both starting 2 years at Greshams’ School this Autumn
       and want to carry on their high standard of single handed Laser sailing.
       Their mother Anneka and dad sought out the club and came for a look
       around to see what was on offer. Happy with what they saw, they’ve
       bought the boys some very decent used boats and joined the club.
        Meanwhile the USA and Japan is home to some of the SBSC Cadet
       Week kids this year. Commodore Adrian Tebbutt said:
        “Its really encouraging and interesting to have young sailors from
       abroad coming to the Club. We’re not quite sure why its happening. I
       guess people are hearing about us and like what they hear! People
       around the world see all the Olympic gold medals and world champion   Left to right SBSC Commodore Adrian Tebbutt, Anneka Tallinn, and
       sailors that the UK produces and know its special, and when they land   her twin sons Eric and Karl Tallinn at SBSC with their new Lasers.
       in our part of the world, they seek out what in all modesty I think is   Credit: Adrian Tebbutt
       the very best Club to learn to sail and improve your sailing!”
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