Page 2 - Town & Around - October 2022
P. 2
2 Town & Around October 2022 Tel: 01485 540620 email:
First word
ello and welcome to the
first issue of Town and
HAround in this new
Carolean era. It is also the 17th
birthday issue of the magazine.
Pictures of the flowers at
Sandringham, memories of our
late Queen and the Proclamation
of King Charles III, who is
pictured on the cover, are in this
edition alongside local news and
views and regular columns. There
was a lot to fit in and I’d like to
thank everyone who has
contributed items for inclusion.
The October diary has moved to
page 73 this month, it’s not an exhaustive list and more can be found
on our website.
As we went to print the news that Snettisham Primary has been
praised by Ofsted for its well planned learning environment and
challenging curriculum reached us. Congratulations to Head Teacher
Louise Jackson, the staff and especially the children who were
described as friendly and polite.
On a personal note, after two postponements because of Covid
regulations, our family celebrated the marriage of Jack and Rhiannon
at Sandringham Church on 17th September. The very happy couple
now begin their new adventure together on Orkney.
Advertise your business here to your local community. We
have published every month since 2005 with affordable
advertising rates for ads that get results. Call 01485 540620
1/16 page: 42mm wide x 60mm high OR 88mm wide x 28mm high.
1/8 page: 88mm wide x 60mm high OR 180mm wide x 29mm high
1/4 page 88mm wide x 122 high (portrait) OR 180mm wide x 60mm
high (landscape)
1/2 page180 mm wide x 122mm high (landscape) OR 88mm wide x
246mm high (portrait)
Full page 180mm wide x 246mm high
Centre DPS: 380mm wide x 246mm high
Size 1 issue 6 issues
1/16 27.00 22.50
With all best wishes
1/8 52.20 43.50
1/4 86.40 72.00
Elaine 1/2 161.82 134.85
Elaine Bird, Editor, Page 297.00 247.50
Town and Around DPS 570.00 475.00
The Perches, 18 Tapping Close, Snettisham PE31 7FF All prices are per issue, exclusive of VAT. Phone for more details.
T: 01485 540620 M:07533 088196 E:
Town and Around is published by Elaine Bird and printed by The copy date is 12th of the month preceding publication.
Mortons of Horncastle No part of the magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
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