Page 14 - Town & Around - May 2024
P. 14

14  Town & Around May 2024                                                           Tel: 01485 540620 email:
          Breast cancer survivor to run Sandringham half-marathon for Breast of Friends

              orty-nine-year-old Karen Richardson,
              also known as Heacham’s runner in
          Fpink, is running for Breast of Friends
          who are raising money towards the Breast
          Unit Development Fund to provide equipment
          vital for early detection and treatment of
          breast cancer for both men and women in west
          Norfolk, plus the ongoing chemotherapy
          treatment provided by the unit at the Queen
          Elizabeth Hospital.
           Now fit and well Karen’s training includes
          running ten miles every day (you’ll spot her
          running in her trademark pink jacket) and
          workouts at the Knight’s Hill gym – all this as   Charity and raised £1300 and on 16th June
          well as her day job with patients at the QEH   she’ll be lacing up her trainers for her third
          and in the community.             half-marathon at the Run Sandringham event
           No stranger to fundraising events some   where she hopes to top £1000 for the charity
          readers will have seen Karen modelling for   which is so important to her.
          local fashion store Allez Chic and before the
          half-marathon she is helping another charity   She has set up a JustGiving Crowdfund-
          in Norwich on 6th June, modelling at John   ing Page and donations can be made at
          Lewis. Little Lifts are also a breast cancer
          charity who give lovely boxes for   ing/karen-richardson-
          radiotherapy and chemotherapy patients.
           In 2019 Karen ran for the Firefighters   PR?utm_id=2&utm_term=wxZEyZ56P
          Blue Wave peaceful protest about pollution in the Gaywood River
               lue fabric representing clear water was carried through the
               walks by eighteen members of the King's Lynn Chapter of
          BExtinction Rebellion on March 30th.

                                                               Julia Irving, who led the blue wave, said “Our protest was sparked
                                                              off by a recent incident of oil and other waste going into the Gaywood
           Following the news from the Environment Agency that sewage
          spilled into Gaywood River for 1651 hours in 2023, the group came   River.
                                                               "We were shocked and outraged to see this going on.
          together in the  Walks to express their shock and sadness in an   "We wanted to make sure that people living in King's Lynn were
          innovative fashion.                                 aware of the pollution in the Gaywood River and invite them to
           Yards of blue fabric were used to represent the beautiful clear water
          which should be flowing through the stretch of Gaywood River which   become guardians of the river and report issues to the Environment
          meanders through the walks. Volunteers from XR formed a procession   The Gaywood River is a tale of two chalk streams. Upstream is in
          with the flowing blue fabric around the stretch of the river, while others   good health, it has crystal clear water and flourishing plant life. While
          talked to curious passers by and handed out flyers.
                                                              downstream is another matter; the water is murky, plants are dying off
                                                              and there is algae overgrowth. All signs of very poor river health.
                                                               A spokesperson for XR said: "The river used to be crystal clear water
                                                              and teeming with life, you could even watch brown trout swimming
                                                              in the stream at The Walks but now the river is murky, lifeless, and
                                                              filled with fungus which suggests it’s being polluted along its length.
                                                               "We are asking local people to keep a close eye and report any
                                                              pollution in the river they see to the Environment Agency on their free
                                                              24hr incident hotline at 0800 80 70 60.
                                                               "The Environment  Agency has failed to prevent the ongoing
                                                              pollution in the years we have been campaigning on this, we are calling
                                                              for the Agency to finally act to protect the health of the river.
                                                               "They need to name and shame, and prosecute the perpetrators of
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