Page 8 - Town & Around - May 2022
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8  Town & Around May 2022                                                             Tel: 01485 540620 email:

       A page from The Sage

              ell now this is the Town and Around                           been born), we went to watch the first
              for the month of May 2022 from the                            organized Christmas Day Swim and it snowed
       WBoy Dick, Sunny Hunny. I am                                         all morning and the beach was white with
       writing a bit about the weather in west                              snow but in the afternoon the sun got out.
       Norfolk over the last 120 years. Wind, water,                          The next time we had any bad weather in
       ice and snow.                                                        west Norfolk was on  Wednesday 11th
        On the 22nd of February 1908 there was a                            February 1978 when there was a gale force
       very bad gale in west Norfolk in the gardens                         wind and we lost our dear old pier and it done
       of Sandringham House. There was an avenue                            some damage to the  Wimpy Bar, the
       of old elm and lime trees leading from the                           promenade near the boating lake and the fair
       front of Sandringham House to the Norwich                            ground, it also did a lot of damage to many
       Gates. Every one of these trees was blown                            caravans at Heacham. At Wells the Coaster
       down and had to be replaced.                                         Function was washed up on to the quay.
        From December 1927 till January 1928                                  I cannot get out and about now to the beach
       parts of Norfolk had the worst blizzards ever                        and around the town so I have to use the
       remembered and most of Norfolk was cut off                           webcams to keep an eye on the beach. At the
       for many days. West Norfolk had a                                    present time the beach at Hunstanton is
        lot of snow but not gale force winds as the   Dick Melton           looking good with all the westerly winds it has
       wind was coming out of the east, so the worst   01485 535658         washed the stones and small rocks up to   the
       parts of Norfolk affected were Cromer,                               promenade and this gives more protection to
       Yarmouth and Norwich.             butcher’s roundsman delivering meat around   the foot of the promenade. What we need now
        From 1940 till 1949 all the winters were   the villages in the vicinity of Dersingham. The   is the old Seagate slipway putting back, not
       cold but the summers were warm, including   day of the blizzard was a Tuesday, I started   only was it an easy way to get on to the beach
       the summer of 1947 even though the winter   my round driving a small Morris Eight van,   but it also acted as a good breakwater
       of 1947 was one of the worst on record. The   the first village I went to was Shernborne and   (groyne). What we have to remember is most
       bad weather started in January and went on till   while I was there it started to snow very hard   of the promenade is over seventy years old
       the end of March. Many villages like Docking   with a strong wind blowing the snow off the   and some of it over one hundred years old. We
       , Sedgeford and Burnham Market were cut of   fields so I made my way to Dodds Hill and   will never get a new promenade so we have
       for days at a time. The road at Redgate Hill in   then on to Sandringham then on to Anmer   to protect what we have, without a promenade
       Hunstanton was all twists and turns those   along King’s Avenue. By this time it was   Hunstanton would just fade away. It is
       days, and with the wind blowing from the east   blowing a right old blizzard! I got about a   Hunstanton’s biggest attraction and without it
       it got blocked all of the time. There was still a   quarter of a mile past the stud, I had my   you could say goodbye to Sunny Hunny.
       prisoner of war camp at Snettisham Beach   headlights on and then just in front of me was   A member of the Civic Society jot in touch
       with the prisoners of war waiting to be   a Seamans of Gaywood milk lorry in the   with me asking me if I knew anything about a
       repatriated back to Germany; these prisoners   middle of a large snow drift. I went to the   story about some goats, flags and the Golden
       were brought up to Redgate Hill to keep the   lorry and I said to the driver: “come on mate   Lion Hotel so I decided to put a stoty (some
       road open. The only tools they had in those   we can’t stop here”, and I locked the van with   squit) about what I think was the connection
       days were shovels, no JCB’s in those days! I   the meat still in it and walked through the   with these three things.
       lived at Dersingham then, I was only seven   blizzard back to Dersingham. The first thing   In 1846 the Golden Lion was built and
       years old and we lived about a mile from the   we did was have a basin of red hot soup, one   many people called it Le Strange's folly as the
       school. We walked there and back four times   of the estate drivers towed the van and the   nearest places to it were Old Hunstanton,
       a day as there was no school dinners then but   lorry out on the Thursday with the meat still   Heacham and the lighthouse. In 1861 the
       we did not miss a day of school. These  days   frozen, and on the Friday the boss borrowed a   population of Hunstanton was 490, most of
       if you get two flakes of snow they shut the   tractor and small trailer and  took some meat   them living in Old Hunstanton.
       schools.                          to  West Newton, Hillington, Flitcham and   In 1846 boat trips went from King’s Lynn to
        The next time west Norfolk had bad   Anmer. Some of the snow still laid on the   Hunstanton; it was two shillings return and
       weather was the night of January 31st and the   ground in the small lanes a week later.   most of these people went to the Golden Lion
       early morning of 1st February 1953. The wind   The next lot of bad weather we had started   for refreshments. At this time the resort had
       had been blowing hard for four days from the   just after Christmas 1962 and went on till the   one hotel and five small cottages, then in 1861
       north west then on the Saturday night we had   end of March 1963, it was not so much the   the railway line from Hunstanton to King’s
       the great flood the worst flood since the 1770's   snow as thee icy roads. We had snow on and   Lynn opened at a cost of £80, 000 to build.
       on the east coast of England. Many people   off  but we had a very sharp frost every day, I   Trade at the Golden Lion built up and a lot
       who lived near the sea at King’s Lynn,   was working in a gang riddling potatoes out   more building started so the Golden Lion
       Snettisham, Heacham and Hunstanton lost   of an outside potato grave on a farm down   decided to put all flags around the building to
       their lives that night, 31 at Hunstanton, nine   Clenchwarton Marsh; it was about twelve   attract more attention.  Then the railway
       at Heacham, 25 at Snettisham and 15 at   miles from Dersingham and I made the   brought in more people so the Golden Lion
       King’s Lynn. At Dersingham the water came   journey on a good old Norton motor cycle   brought in goat boys with their goats and
       in two miles that's up to where the by-pass is   with a side car weighted down with a concrete   small carts to take peoples luggage up the hill
       today.                            kerb stone. I was never late once and I had to   from the station to the hotel, and that is the
        The Queen was at Sandringham and during   be there by 7am. I can tell you I was really   connection between the goats, flags and the
       the next few days she and Prince Philip visited   pleased to see the back of that winter.   Golden Lion hotel in Hunstanton.
       King’s Lynn and Hunstanton to see the   A lot of the old boys used to talk about the   Well that’s about all for now, I have been
       damage and speak to the many people who   white Christmas’s when they were young well   eating some nice mussels all winter I reckon
       had helped in this terrible disaster.   I worked it out that between 1906 and 1970   there will soon be some nice crabs about, don't
        The next lot of snow we had was a blizzard   snow fell in Norfolk on only  five Christmas   forget keep on a troshin’.
       on February 29th 1958. The blizzard lasted all   Days and they were 1906,1923,1927,1938   All the best,
       day and covered most of Norfolk especially   and 1970. In 1970 I lived in Seagate with Joy   The Boy Dick, the Sage,
       west Norfolk. At the time I was working as a   and three of our children (our fourth had not   Sunny Hunny
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