Page 6 - Town & Around - February 2025
P. 6

6  Town & Around February 2025                                                    Tel: 01485 540620 email:
       Your support saves lives 24/7

       East Anglian Air Ambulance King’s Lynn Fundraising Group, by Trevor Dane, EAAA Volunteer
            ast   Anglian   Air
            Ambulance (EAAA) is
       Eone of 21 Air Ambulance
       charities in the UK.  They
       collectively complete more than
       45,000 taskings per year (an
       average of 126 taskings per day)
       to treat people with life-
       threatening injuries and medical
       emergencies. These taskings are
       undertaken by the charities’
       pilots, doctors, critical care
       paramedics, and are possible
       thanks to kind donations and
       support from the public.
        EAAA provides 24/7, 365 days
       a year life-saving treatment and
       care, by air and road, in Norfolk,
       Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and
       Bedfordshire and sometimes
       beyond. The charity now treats an
       average of six people every day.          Anglia One, Helicopter at Helimed House Norwich Airport
                                 number of local volunteers,   training courses available for the   03450 669 999
                                 including myself, came together   community, as well as EAAA and   Website:
                                 to raise awareness of EAAA in   King’s Lynn Fundraising Group   Email:
                                 the area by way of finding and   news and updates.    Charity number: 1083876
                                 attending  local  events  to                        King’s Lynn Fundraising Group:
                                 represent and fundraise in aid of   Contact us:
                                 EAAA. In May 2024, KLFG   EAAA general enquiries.
                                 attended their first fundraising
                                 event, and we are now looking
                                 forward to completing our first
       EAAA Helimed House Norwich   full year of fundraising in May
                Airport          2025. Regular fundraising is very
        The   charity  has  two   important to enable the specialist
       operational  bases:  Helimed   doctors, paramedics and pilots to
       House,    our    Norwich   bring the emergency department
       headquarters, at Norwich Airport   with advanced skills, equipment
       is home to the  Anglia One   and medicine directly to the
       (Norwich) helicopter and critical   patient’s side in the fastest time
       care  cars. The  Anglia Two   possible to give everyone the best
       (Cambridge) helicopter and   possible chance of surviving and
       critical care cars are based at   recovering from a life –
       Cambridge (Marshalls) Airport.   threatening medical or trauma
       The critical care crews from both   emergency.
       bases cover an area of 5,326   KLFG continues to welcome
       square miles.  The charity is   new opportunities for support for
       tasked an average of eight times   EAAA.  We can also support
       a day to medical emergencies in   community groups in their
       our region.               fundraising for EAAA by
        EAAA is independent of the   providing them with a local
       NHS and receives no regular   connection, as well as to the
       Government funding.  Each   wider charity.
       tasking, on average, costs £4,250   Contributing to  Town and
       and is funded almost entirely by   Around magazine offers the
       generous donations from the   chance to raise the profile and
       public, community support and   awareness of EAAA in King’s
       fundraising.              Lynn and West Norfolk. In future
        It is important to raise   issues of  Town and  Around
       awareness in the community as it   magazine, I will explain more
       is very much at the heart of what   about EAAA charity, how it
       we do. In late 2023, The EAAA   started, how to support us, the
       King’s Lynn Fundraising Group   distinctive yellow helicopters,
       (KLFG) was formed.  A small   equipment, and CPR and AED
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