Page 2 - Town & Around - February 2024
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2 Town & Around February 2024                                                      Tel: 01485 540620 email:
          First word

                                        eesa Espley was on the
                                        cover of  T&A in 2021
                                   Lwhen we ran an article
                                   about the female volunteers at
                                   Hunstanton Lifeboat Station for
                                   International Women’s Day. This
                                   time it’s all about Leesa, the
                                   RNLI’s first female hovercraft
                                   pilot, who has been presented with
                                   her 20-year service medal from
                                   the RNLI. You can read about her
                                   on page 6.  Thank you, Chris
                                   Bishop/RNLI for the photos.
                                     The magazine is crammed full
                                   of very diverse content and new
                                   for this issue is a February Food
                                   page (56). There you can find the
          Prudent Pensioner’s Less Waste, More Soup recipe, details of the free
          food and cooking sessions in Hunstanton starting on 30th January and
          a cheeky Leap Year cocktail invented in 1928 by an American in
          London escaping prohibition in his country of birth.
           Garden and nature lovers will find articles on pages 18-22 and those
          who prefer to look skywards page 30 is for you.
           Local politics, history, business news, fashion, health, events, sport,
          the arts, and news from schools and local organisations are all included
          in these pages. My thanks to all who have contributed.
           Little by little the days are getting longer and next month we change
          the clocks!
           In the meantime, don’t forget Valentine’s Day on 14th.

           With best wishes for a fabulous February,
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          Elaine Bird, Editor,                                   advertising rates for ads that get results. Call 01485 540620
          Town and Around
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          T: 01485 540620 M:07533 088196 E:   1/16 page: 42mm wide x 60mm high OR 88mm wide x 28mm high.
          Town and Around is published by Elaine Bird and printed by   1/8 page: 88mm wide x 60mm high OR 180mm wide x 29mm high
          Mortons of Horncastle                                1/4 page 88mm wide x 122 high (portrait) OR 180mm wide x 60mm
          Follow the latest stories at     high (landscape)
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          246mm high (portrait)
          Our pick-up points include supermarkets in Hunstanton,   Full page 180mm wide x 246mm high
          Heacham, Dersingham, King’s Lynn and Downham Market.   Centre DPS: 380mm wide x 246mm high
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                                                                      Size   1 issue        6 issues
                                                                      1/16   32.40          27.00
                                                                      1/8    62.64          52.20
                                                                      1/4    103.68         86.40
                                                                      1/2    194.18         161.82
                                                                      Page   356.64         297.00
                                                                      DPS    684.00         570.00
                                                               All prices are per issue, exclusive of VAT. Phone for more details.

                                                               The copy date is 12th of the month preceding publication.
                                                               No part of the magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
                                                               transmitted in any other form, or by any other means without written prior
                                                               permission.  Copyright © 2023  All Rights Reserved. This magazine reflects the
                                                               views of its contributors; not necessarily those of its editor or advertisers.
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