Page 8 - Town & Around - August 2023
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8 Town & Around August 2023 Tel: 01485 540620 email:
SHARP and the Heritage Centre
HARP (the Sedgeford Historical and
Archaeological Research Project) is a
Slong-term, independently-run
archaeological project. SHARP is one of the
largest independent archaeological projects in
Britain and is firmly rooted in the local
Left back row: Sheila and Stephen Kent, left front row: Amanda Bosworth, Ellie Blakelock
and Ann Smith. On the right Kathryn Madder, Richard Hancox, Sam Atkins and Rami Calero
Since the project was formed back in 1996, bigger and we have some exciting finds.”
thousands of people have arrived at the Ann Smith added: “For example we have a
Boneyard Field site to excavate, carry out piece of daub with a wonderful wattle mark.”
research, or take one of the many courses. Other members of the SHARP team, some
Many archaeologists got their start at dressed in Saxon and Roman costume, were
SHARP and large numbers of them now work on hand to answer questions including
in a variety of roles in commercial Kathryn Madder, Richard Hancox, Sam
archaeology, academic research and the Atkins and Rami Calero - who also was the
heritage sector. Roman sentry at the door.
Former primary school teacher Ann Smith, Work commenced on 2nd July for the 2023
who joined SHARP as a volunteer in 2000 and season, and apart from a lack of water
became so hooked on archaeology that she problem that was kindly remedied by Bruce
completed an Archaeology degree at Bristol at the King William lV, all is going very well
University, is now a Finds Processor and and work will continue until Friday 11th
schools co-ordinator at the dig. She worked August. The team are available to give guided
with the Director of Excavations Ellie tours of the site in Sedgeford Sunday-Friday
Blakelock and the volunteers at the Heritage 10am-4pm.
Centre in Hunstanton to get some of the Anglo Speaking on behalf of the Heritage Centre
Saxon finds on display. Amanda Bosworth said: “This is an important
On Saturday 8th July the public were archaeological project in the area and our
invited to view the artifacts for the first time. collaboration means our visitors can find out
Most of the display is from the settlement more about SHARP, and visitors to the site
site that was last dug in 2016. Since 2013 the can be directed to us. We are intending to
project has been excavating the Malting build liaisons with different businesses and
Trench, which is in a gully just to the west of organisations to enhance the tourism offering
the settlement. in our beautiful and historically interesting
Although only a small village, Sedgeford area.”
has an incredibly rich heritage spanning over More Sedgeford news on page 26
four thousand years. The research undertaken
by SHARP has produced a fascinating picture
of human settlement within the parish. A
variety of methodologies have been used
throughout their studies, including excavation,
test pitting, field walking, a geophysical
survey, a landscape survey and standing
building surveys, along with comprehensive
desktop research.
Ellie Blakelock, who is managing different
excavations underway at the moment, says her
main focus is the Malting complex, she said:
“We think we have a total of six malting
houses and the preservation is so good it is
considered to be of national significance.
“We’re very lucky because as a research dig
the work can be carried out more slowly than
commercial digs and the trench is getting