Page 6 - Town & Around - August 2023
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6 Town & Around August 2023 Tel: 01485 540620 email:
Hunstanton & District Rotary Club welcomes new President
eacham Manor’s Pavilion was the venue for the President’s Hunstanton and District Rotary, I feel honoured to represent a club that
lunch on 28th June when Roger Raven received the chain of contributes so much to the local community, as well as worldwide
Hoffice from retiring President John Greyson. causes. Despite a wrongly held view by some, our club consists of
The meeting began with the presentation of Paul Harris Fellow representatives from all areas of society, all of whom possess a great
awards to Hilary Farrell and John Crofts. These are awarded in desire to support local charities and volunteer to assist as many
recognition of an outstanding service to the work of Rotary. Both are community organisations as we can, we are a friendly and welcoming
former presidents and it is the first time that the award has been made club with an active social life.
to a woman at the Hunstanton and District Rotary Club. “I read every month in local magazines of the valued work done by
local charities and community groups, some of which struggle for
volunteers and or finance to continue their good work. Without these
people our communities suffer and slowly stagnate.
“I am fully aware that there are a number of good-hearted people
out there in our midst who would be willing to put something back
into their community, I know sometimes it is difficult to find the time,
and to make the effort to take the first step. Or not knowing how to
The Paul Harris Fellow award is presented to Hilary Farrell
President Roger Raven (left) with retiring President John Greyson.
Jean Marie Vernon was named as the President elect.
“Well, I can help by inviting you to visit our club and find out if it
is for you, with no pressure or obligation to join. You will however be
able to see how we operate and make up your own mind.
“Please make the effort and contact me at or call me on 07989668235, or any Rotary
member you know for a friendly chat.
“Together with my wife June we want to put something back into
the community, it is my intention n to not only respect the past, but to
John Crofts receives the Paul Harris Fellow award look forward to the future.
“Plans include launching the new website, doing more within the
In his final speech of his year in office John said: “To be part of District encouraging closer liaison with other rotary clubs and always
Hunstanton and District Rotary is an honour because it is a jolly fine remembering service before self.”
club. On behalf of Inner Wheel Coral Campbell congratulated Roger
“Our membership is diverse, mixed, friendly and likes to get wishing him a happy and successful presidency and said she was
involved and we celebrate our relationship with Inner Wheel, and I;m looking forward to working together throughout the next year.
pleased to say that Inner Wheel members are here today. An inaugural award for exemplary service in memory of her
Covid caused a lot of damage to many clubs, but Hunstanton came daughter Ebony was presented by Lisa Birch. The Hunstanton Rotary
though it and it has been my pleasure to represent the club over the Club were able to help make Ebony’s remaining years more bearable
past year.” and presenting the award Lisa said: “I chose Terrington High School
Roger Raven said: “Having just been elected as President of the who supported Ebony and us as a family; I can’t thank you enough.”