Page 4 - Town & Around - August 2023
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4 Town & Around August 2023 Tel: 01485 540620 email:
The QEH is looking forward to a bright future as the NHS turns 75
ollowing the announcement on 25th May that the Queen and Ultrasound imaging. These are used for diagnosis and monitoring
Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust (QEH) of a very wide range of conditions, including cancer, heart disease,
Fhas been added to its New Hospital Programme and a new stroke, respiratory diseases, trauma, musculoskeletal diseases,
hospital will be built on the current hospital site, the demolition of neurology and, most recently, COVID-19. To help deliver the scans,
the Inspire centre to make way for a new multi-storey car park there will be more staff recruited including radiographers, radiologists
reported in last month’s magazine, there is more good news for the and support staff.
QEH. The Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals Charity is also kindly
The hospital will be one of three new diagnostic centres set to be supporting this project by pledging £1.6m for Imaging equipment.
built in the region over the next two years meaning people will be This collaborative approach between hospitals and the wider
able to have imaging faster and earlier diagnoses. The other centres Integrated Care System to deliver these services will:
will be at the James Paget University Hospital and the Norfolk and • Increase capacity for diagnostic imaging
Norwich University Hospital. • Separate GP referrals and Outpatient appointments from Inpatient
The facilities, backed by nearly £84 million in government and Emergency demand, improving waiting times
investment, will use cutting-edge MRI, CT and X-ray machines to • Improve health outcomes with earlier diagnoses
diagnose a range of conditions – including cancer, heart disease and • Provide modern, bright facilities and state-of-the-art equipment to
respiratory conditions. improve the experience for patients and staff
Once they’re fully up and running, they will deliver over 281,000 • Standardise practices and collaborative working in Imaging services
tests, scans and checks to patients in the Norfolk region, speeding up across the three hospitals
access to vital diagnoses and ultimately saving more lives.” The project is in response to a significant increase in demand for
Chair of NHS Norfolk and Waveney, Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, said: imaging and addresses recommendations in a national report from
“I am delighted to see this investment being used to significantly eminent Oncologist Professor Sir Mike Richards, who recommended
increase our imaging capacity adjacent to our hospital sites across that diagnostic centres should provide imaging capacity outside of the
Norfolk and Waveney. acute hospital building to support patients and healthcare staff in the
“It’s vital we do all we can to see and treat people as efficiently as diagnosis of disease and with a view to reducing waiting lists.
possible; this will no doubt help us to diagnose people more quickly. The machines and facilities planned for the QEH are 1 MRI, 1 CT,
We are determined to help people lead longer, healthier and happier 2 Ultrasound and 1 X-ray room. Building work will start this year and
lives.” the QEH Diagnostic Centre buildings are planned to be operational
Each of the sites will house MRI and CT scanners as well as X-ray in Summer 2024.
Twentieth annual Lions Funday in Hunstanton
combined effort by the Hunstanton who provide all the entertainment and children are loving it and are very excited to
and District Lions, the businesses at refreshments free of charge. be here.” Photos: Ian Burt
ARainbow Park and Vegas Fish Bar “I cannot thank Danielle and Joe Rodrigues
gave children with special needs, their of Vegas Fish Bar enough for donating all the
families, carers and teachers a day to cherish. lunches and John Henry Roper and the
Friday 23rd June saw coaches arriving in businesses at Rainbow Park for opening their
Hunstanton from Churchill Park Academy, park free of charge for the children to have a
Little Discoverers and Duke of Lancaster wonderful day out.”
Academy for a day out at the fairground
followed by lunch. In all 227 people, many of
whom may not have had the opportunity to
visit without support, were able to have a fun
day out at the seaside.
As the children were boarding the rides
John Henry Roper said: “It’s a real pleasure
to have all the children back for this joyful
day; we look forward to it every year.”
And Joe Rodrigues said: “It’s all about the
President of the Lions Jane Scott was at the kids, I love it.”
car park early to greet the children as they Lion Michael Ruston who was President of
arrived along with the District Governor, Lion the Hunstanton & District Lions in 2015 and
Paul Southerton, who signed and presented is now Mayor of Hunstanton said: “This is a
special certificates of appreciation and thanks lovely occasion and it’s great to bring joy to
to the businesses that had supported the event young people’s lives.”
over the past twenty years. It was clear from the smiles and laughter
President Lion Jane Scott said: “For me, out that everyone was enjoying the experience
of all the things we do, this is the greatest and Alice Foster, a member of staff from the
event of the year. Duke of Lancaster School in Fakenham who
“We couldn’t do it without the businesses were attending for the first time said: “The