Page 2 - Town & Around - August 2023
P. 2
2 Town & Around August 2023 Tel: 01485 540620 email:
First word
ugust is the height of the
holiday season and it
Aseemed appropriate to
have a cover photo that was taken
by Ian Burt at a Hunstanton
Lifeboat Station Sandcastle
Competition. This young man
competed in 2019. Buckets at the
ready - the 2023 competition takes
place on 3rd August.
News of Dick Melton’s
retirement from writing resulted in
a large postbag and a selection of
your thoughts and memories can
be found on pages 36 and 52. The
Lodge Hotel and Bar are
sponsoring a competition to recognise his contribution over the years,
see page 76.
Another Hunstanton legend, and close to Dick’s heart, is the Kit-
Kat and Martin Chown’s article on page 42 will evoke fond memories
for many readers.
The SHARP archaeological project runs until 11th August, so if
you’d like a tour of the site to see what goes on turn to page 8. There
are also lots of other activities and events listed in the centre pages.
This issue is full, thank you to everyone who has written, provided
information and images. Thanks also to all our advertisers, please
support them if you are able.
With best wishes to you all and especially to those who are awaiting
exam results - don’t panic, you will come out the other side, and
whatever happens, you will be OK.
Until next month, PRINT IS KING!
Elaine Advertise your business here to your local community. We
have published every month since 2005 with affordable
Elaine Bird, Editor, advertising rates for ads that get results. Call 01485 540620
Town and Around
The Perches, 18 Tapping Close, Snettisham PE31 7FF ADVERT SIZES
T: 01485 540620 M:07533 088196 E: 1/16 page: 42mm wide x 60mm high OR 88mm wide x 28mm high.
Town and Around is published by Elaine Bird and printed by 1/8 page: 88mm wide x 60mm high OR 180mm wide x 29mm high
Mortons of Horncastle 1/4 page 88mm wide x 122 high (portrait) OR 180mm wide x 60mm
Follow the latest stories at high (landscape)
and on Twitter @hunny_bird 1/2 page180 mm wide x 122mm high (landscape) OR 88mm wide x 246mm high (portrait)
Our pick-up points include supermarkets in Hunstanton, Full page 180mm wide x 246mm high
Heacham, Dersingham, King’s Lynn and Downham Market. Centre DPS: 380mm wide x 246mm high
Size 1 issue 6 issues
1/16 27.00 22.50
1/8 52.20 43.50
1/4 86.40 72.00
1/2 161.82 134.85
Page 297.00 247.50
DPS 570.00 475.00
All prices are per issue, exclusive of VAT. Phone for more details.
The copy date is 12th of the month preceding publication.
No part of the magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
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permission. Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved. This magazine reflects the
views of its contributors; not necessarily those of its editor or advertisers.