Page 4 - Town & Around - April 2022
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4 Town & Around April 2022                                                             Tel: 01485 540620 email:

       ‘Our very own Captain Tom’ – Mick Ennis

       80-year-old King’s Lynn charity runner hits the 2,000 km mark
            n 80-year-old runner from King’s                                continued to encourage other residents to keep
            Lynn has clocked almost 2,000 kilo-                             fit.
       Ametres since the start of lockdown in                                 His association with Lavender Court goes
       March 2020 in a bid to boost his health and                          back decades. He was the local milk man
       raise money for local charities.                                     delivering milk to residents for 18 years. He
        Mick Ennis, who turned 80 last month,                               then delivered post to the site for four years
       made a gruelling pledge in March 2020 to run                         as a local postman before retiring.
       10 kilometres 200 times in under two years.                            Last summer Mick encouraged fellow
        He hit that record on Monday February 21                            residents to get out into the open air by
       by running his final 10k in aid of the Friends                       organising some outdoor low impact
       of the Stroke Unit in King’s Lynn.                                   stretching and keep fit classes in the Lavender
        Mick – an avid sportsman - became hooked                            Court gardens.
       on running after joining in on King’s Lynn                             FirstPort Area Manager Gavin Hunter said:
       parkruns in 2011. And when local athletics                           “I would like to send my congratulations to
       club, the Ryston Runners, challenged him to                          Mick for his marvellous achievement. He
       train and take part in the Grand East Anglia   my daughter in 2015, having lost my wife a   provides a shining example of the benefits
       Run (GEAR) in 2012, he accepted and joined   few years before.       that exercise can bring.
       the club.                           “Running has kept me going and helped me   “Running a 10k can be tough for anyone
        Since then, Mick has taken part in every   stay mentally strong. When Covid struck and   and at the grand age of 80, Mick’s
       annual GEAR 10k and completed 310   we were faced with the lockdowns, we could   achievement is exceptional and may
       parkruns. He said: “In older age I’ve been   not attend club sessions, so I set myself the   hopefully encourage others of a similar age to
       determined to keep myself active and as fit as   challenge of running a 10k every other day.   stay fit and active. Keep going, Mick - our
       possible- healthy body, healthy mind as they   I’m now as fit as I can be – no giving up on   very own Captain Tom Moore.”
       say.                              running yet.”                        Donations  can   be   made   at:
        “I owe so much to Ryston Runners who   Mick moved to Lavender Court – an
       have always supported me.  This was   independent living retirement development   ennis-200
       particularly the case following the death of   managed by FirstPort - in 2019, where he has   Photo: Ian Burt

       How to pass your MOT: tips and tricks to help you prepare

       Abigail Brown
         f your car is more than three years old, an annual MOT test is non-  open from the inside and out.
         negotiable - in fact, it’s a legal requirement to ensure your car is
       Iroadworthy. A car with an expired or failed MOT is illegal to drive   Vehicle structure:
       and could land you with a hefty fine, and even a driving ban.    Check for sharp edges, loose parts, and excessive damage i.e. rising
        It is estimated that around 40% of cars submitted for an MOT check   or corrosion, as this could cause your car to fail.
       fail the test. Here’s some quick checks you can do to improve your
       chances:                                                             Under the bonnet:
                                                           Top up your brake fluid and fuel if you need to. The garage will need
                        Tyres and wheels:                  these to carry out an emission test. Check your oil levels and top up if
       Your tyres should be the right shape and size, and be your standard   necessary.
       wheel, not a spare. Their tread depth should be a minimum of 1.6mm
       across the central three-quarter of the pattern. Identify any lumps or   Warning lights:
       cuts? Damage to your tyres could result in your car being deemed unfit   Turn your car on. If a warning light stays on, this could affect your
       for use.                                            MOT test result. Make sure the speedometer is working.

                             Lights:                                             Seats:
       Lights must be fitted with the correct bulbs. Check your lights. Replace   These should be locked in position at all times.
       any that are flickering or dim.
                     Wipers and windscreen:                Check for frays or damage as, if present, your seatbelts will not pass.
       Make sure your wipers and washer fluid are sufficient to clean the   Make sure they’re secured and that they click in and out effectively.
       windscreen - the driver needs to have a good view of the road at all
       times. If not, replace wipers, top up your washer fluid, or unblock the   Horn:
       jets.                                               Give your horn a quick toot to make sure it’s working.
        Chips or cracks on the windscreen? If they’re bigger than a 5p coin,
       consider getting them repaired prior to your test.                       Mirrors:
                                                           Clean your mirrors if they’re dirty and position them correctly. Your
                       Registration plates:                car must have an interior rearview mirror and driver’s side mirror to
       These should be fastened securely to your car and easily visible.   pass.
        If your number plate uses a unique font, check the government   This list is not exhaustive, but it does help you prepare your car at
       website to make sure it meets the requirements.     least somewhat for its MOT test.
                                                             Visit to learn more or book your
                             Doors:                        MOT test online.  Or, call us in Hunstanton on 01485 533786, or
       Check that all doors close and stay closed, and that the front doors   King’s Lynn n 01553 763763.
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