Young pupils at Glebe House School add to the Queen’s Green Canopy

Young pupils at Glebe House School add to the Queen’s Green Canopy

Pupils from Glebe House School were proud to plant 30 new trees in memoriam to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 25th November.

Donated by The Woodland Trust, the trees will form part of the Queen’s Green Canopy project which aims to plant over a million trees in Her Majesty’s name, all across the nation, in the year of her jubilee.

The Woodland Trust is the largest woodland conservation charity in the UK. It wants to see a UK rich in native woods and trees for people and wildlife. The Woodland Trust’s Schools and Community Engagement Manager Karen Letten said, “Trees create inspiring learning spaces - natural, sustainable, and dynamic outdoor classrooms where pupils can mix mud with maths and spades with science while connecting with nature and having fun. It’s these lessons that the children will remember well into adulthood.”

The school successfully applied for a selection of wild cherry, rowan and silver birch trees from the Trust to develop the woodland area within the grounds. Outdoor learning leader Miss Stephenson said, “here at Glebe House School we aim to inspire a love and appreciation of nature in all our pupils. 

"Today’s tree planting project taught the children about the importance of trees for supporting biodiversity and their positive impact on the climate. 

"The children loved getting their hands muddy as they planted their very own tree, and they are incredibly excited to watch them grow”.

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