West Norfolk anti-hate group created
- By Elaine Bird
- 17 January 2020
- King’s Lynn
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An anti-hate group named KLOVE has been established for King’s Lynn and surrounding areas to help celebrate the diversity within the local area.
KLOVE, a non-partisan group, is aimed at bridging the divides in society. It will be launched to the public on the 25th of January (next Saturday) at the peace rally on the Tuesday Market Place.
They will be taking to the town centre to get people to do a postcard with a simple message or image of love for their town.
The group was established as a fightback against hate and division within society, the rise of national hate crime and locally in response to recent racist and fascist graffiti attacks.
They are hoping to host events that would bring people together, such as inviting people to try different foods from different cultures.
Councillor Jo Rust said of the peace rally and group:
“The group, set up in response to the rise in the number of racist and fascist incidents and graffiti, are showing that there is another way and that their community is rich, diverse and deserves celebrating.
“The two-hour celebration will consist of music and speakers, as well as the chance to send a message of love to north west Norfolk. These messages will then be displayed locally in order to develop and expand the idea to formulate a longer lasting piece of urban art and to create a real community of love that links with the 'Love West Norfolk' theme.”