Wash Barrier update presentation at the Princess Theatre Hunstanton

Wash Barrier update presentation at the Princess Theatre Hunstanton

Hunstanton Town Council Wash Barrier Presentation Evening, The Princess Theatre. 3rd November 2023 @ 6 pm

The provisional plan for the evening is as follows: Doors open for members of the public from 5.30 pm.

The proposed development in the Wash is for a container port, hydroelectric scheme, and could also provide flood protection against global warming. The purpose of this meeting is to consider all aspects of this development.


6 pm Welcome & introduction to presentation by the Mayor & Chair of Hunstanton Town Council Cllr Michael Ruston followed by an outline of proposals and the nature of the evening by Cllr Robert Corby, Chair of HTC Environment Committee.

6.05 Leader of Borough council Cllr Terry Parish outlining the borough’s response to the Wash Barrier

6.15 5 mins public question time

6.25 Judith Stoutt Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority

will talk about their work in the Wash.

6.35 5 mins public question time

6.45 Andy Bullen, Independent Member of Kings Lynn Conservancy Board, Director of specialist port and maritime media company and North West Norfolk resident.

Andy is a speaker with maritime experience, looking at the need for a Wash port, the effect of the proposals on local ports (Wisbech, Lynn and Boston), the effects it will have for businesses and the environment

6.55 5 mins public question time

7pm Break for 15 minutes - return to seats at 7.15

7.20 Tim Jickells Oceanographer

7.30 5 mins public question time

7.40 Mike Jones NWT: Looking at the ecology of the Wash and its importance to wildlife and potential impact of the Wash Barrier

7.50 5 mins public question time

8pm James Sutcliffe Centre Port: Detailing the plans for the Wash Barrier.

8.10 5 mins public question time

8:20 Finish with final word from Cllr Robert Corby & Cllr Mike Ruston (any other questions if time allows) followed by coffee and biscuits.

Note: Luke Douglas Holme “The Coast Runner” and Burnham Overy Parish Councillor is a reserve speaker for the night.

Doors closed 8.30 pm.

A spokesperson for the Town Council said: “This is an information evening only, Hunstanton Town Council would like to stress this meeting is not a debate.

“Speakers will be allowed up to 10 minutes each to talk, this will then be followed by a 5-minute public question time.

“A question box will be available for members of the public, as they enter the Theatre, to post any questions to any representative of organisations present.”

All enquiries to: The Town Clerk Jan Roomes on 01485 532402 clerk@hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk

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