Today is Stroke Prevention Day

Today is Stroke Prevention Day

Nine out of ten stroke survivors in the East of England would warn their younger self to change their lifestyle, according to Stroke Association survey.

More than four out of five people surveyed say they hadn’t realised that they were at risk of a stroke.

But almost nine out of ten had since made lifestyle changes. This is important to the two in five people who may go on to have a second stroke.

The charity has released the findings to mark Stroke Prevention Day, on Friday 14 January, and is urging everyone to make one small change to reduce their own risk of stroke. Stroke is one of the leading causes of adult disability and the fourth biggest cause of death in the UK. While some strokes are unavoidable, up to nine out of ten are linked to lifestyle and could be preventable if people are aware of the risks and able to make changes.

The campaign is backed by Anna Richardson, host of TV’s Naked Attraction and Changing Rooms, who herself vowed to get healthier after her father Jim had a series of strokes.

Anna said: “Sadly, my dad has had a number of strokes and seeing him have to cope with the effects has definitely made me more aware of my own mortality and given me a real determination to stay as fit and healthy as possible.

“When I found out that up to 90% of strokes can been prevented by making healthier lifestyle choices, it certainly gave me the nudge I needed to overhaul my own lifestyle. The consultant at dad’s hospital even told me I must get healthier!

“Unfortunately, both mine and my brother’s cholesterol is on the high side and knowing that my dad’s high blood pressure was likely one of the biggest factors for his strokes, I am so careful about keeping my blood pressure in check.

“To further help reduce my risk I have a checklist I like to try to stick to, reducing salt in my cooking, limiting alcohol, trying to avoid too much saturated fat, and I aim to do 30 minutes of exercise everyday – be that walking, cycling or maybe some yoga.”

The leading change survivors in the East of England would urge their younger self to make, would be to reduce stress levels with 46% saying they would have done this. Other changes stroke survivors would have made include:

  • Monitor blood pressure – 37%
  • Eat more healthily – 31%
  • Exercise more – 29%
  • Lose a set amount of weight (for example one stone or ten kilograms) – 29%
  • Stop smoking – 23%
  • Drink less alcohol – 23 %
  • Monitor high cholesterol – 18%
  • Reduce salt intake – 14%

As a first step, the Stroke Association wants people to make one small change to reduce their risk of stroke,starting on Stroke Prevention Day.

Examples include:

  • Having your blood pressure, cholesterol and pulse checked regularly
  • Stopping smoking
  • Having a number of alcohol-free days each week
  • Changing your diet to include less salt or switching to a reduced sodium alternative such as LoSalt®
  • Eating more fruit and vegetables
  • Getting up and moving regularly during the day, especially if you’re working from home
  • Joining an online exercise or activity group, or better still, taking on the charity’s Stride for Stroke challenge – one step for each of the 1.3 million stroke survivors in the UK.

Juliet Bouverie OBE, Chief Executive at the Stroke Association said: “A stroke happens in the brain, the control centre for who we are and what we can do. It can happen at any time and at any age and can be devastating.

“We know not all strokes are avoidable, but as many as nine out of ten strokes could be prevented as they are linked to things you can change or manage. Many people simply don’t realise they are at risk and that’s something that we as a charity desperately want to put right.

“The effects of a stroke can be life-changing for you and your family, so why not do all you can to avoid one yourself?

“However, we know that it isn't always easy, so pick something that’s manageable for you. Aim to stick with it foran initial three months and if you can do that you’re more likely to form a regular habit.

“The good news from this research is that almost nine out of ten stroke survivors have already taken steps to reduce their risk of having another stroke.”

The charity’s campaign has been launched in partnership with LoSalt®.

Almost a third of stroke survivors said they would exercise more and an ideal way to motivate yourself is to sign up for the Stride for Stroke challenge. Find out about this and the other things you can do at Money raised will help the charity’s work supporting stroke survivors and carers across the UK.

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