Thousands flock to Hunstanton for the annual Christmas Swim

Thousands flock to Hunstanton for the annual Christmas Swim
The Chilly Swimmers - Cherie Tavner (52), Lynne Draycott (70), Julie Walker (71) and Sandra Playford-Smith (61)

Over 150 people braved the cold North Sea off Hunstanton to take part in this year’s Christmas swim.

Whilst the temperature was not as bad as in recent years, the low tide meant participants had a lengthy walk out to sea.

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Members of Hunstanton Round Table were once again on hand to adjudicate the swimmers as they entered the sea, wading out 100 yards before ducking under the finishing line banner.


Over 2,000 spectators turned out to cheer on the swimmers, many adorned in fancy dress, which seem to be getting whackier and whackier each year. Tamsin and Michelle Barnes from King’s Lynn were apprehensive at first for their debut swim, but they made it. Elliott and Liam Nicol, dressed as a seaman and Santa, were representing the RNLI. The Chilly Swimmers, dressed as bees, regularly take to the waters at Old Hunstanton. The benefits of sea swimming are well documented so anyone wishing to join their group can contact them via Facebook. Most eyes, however, were on Ben Jones from King’s Lynn, raising awareness for King’s Lynn Night Shelter. Dressed in what can only be described as a ‘revealing’ Mankini, he was sure to feel the cold more than most, proof of which was evident as he emerged from the sea.

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Tamsin and Michellle Barnes

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Elliot and Liam Nicol

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Ben Jones

The charity swim, organised by Hunstanton Round Table, raises money for charity, with this year’s beneficiaries being King’s Lynn Night Shelter, Austism West Norfolk, The Norfolk Hospice, Tapping House, NCI Brancaster, Hunstanton Primary School and West Norfolk Deaf Association.

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This popular event has been taking place for over 50 years and is believed to be the best attended event in Norfolk on Christmas Day.


Coastguard team on duty for the event

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