Thornham's crowdfunding appeal brings the voice of the clock back to the village
- By Elaine Bird
- 22 January 2021
- Thornham
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Thornham's Church Clock has been announcing the time to the village for over 100 Years
Last repaired in the 1980's the clock's electrics behind the chimes finally failed and are now both not working and obsolete so Thornham Church and the Parochial Church Council launched an appeal to raise £2000 for the repairs to get the clock chiming again.
With a fantastic response from the current and former residents within 24 hours £1810 had been raised and this morning (22nd January) the total stood at £3390.
On behalf of the Editorial Team Stephanie Mocatta published the following statement:
"What an Awesome Community we are, it is a privilege to be involved and to live with so many people who are committed to making life better. To all of you who have contributed so far, and there are many many of you, thank you very much indeed.
"To those who contributed anonymously - just to make sure you know - we are extremely grateful!
"From an extremely proud editorial team - you have all made our work worthwhile with your response."
When the appeal launched the team had said that: "any donations over £2000 (through your generosity!) any excess will go to further Church repairs."