This year's Sandringham Flower Show has been cancelled

This year's Sandringham Flower Show has been cancelled

The 139th Sandringham Flower Show on Wednesday 29th July has been cancelled due to the coronavirus

The official website for the Flower Show explains...

It is with great sadness that for only the second time in peacetime the Committee and Trustees of the Sandringham Flower Show have decided that in the current circumstances the 2020 Show, scheduled for 29th July, should not now take place. We know that our exhibitors, competitors, suppliers and partners put great effort into planning for the Show and we hope that by taking this decision now we have at least given them some clarity and prevented unnecessary expense and work.

We will be making arrangements to contact all ticketholders, trade stands, exhibitors and suppliers as soon as we can, but we ask for their patience in the meantime.

The Sandringham Flower Show Chairman, David Reeve, said, “In the light of the current health emergency and following Government advice, we felt that it would be impossible to hold the Flower Show while protecting the welfare of our visitors, exhibitors, competitors and volunteers. I would like to thank all those who support the Show and have enabled us to raise so much money for charity over the years, and to assure them that we very much hope to be back in 2021 and we look forward to welcoming them then.”

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