Thaxters Garden Centre remains open during lockdown 2

Thaxters Garden Centre remains open during lockdown 2

Following the government’s new guidelines, it has been confirmed that Garden Centres CAN REMAIN OPEN.

We are very grateful for those working behind the scenes in the horticultural industry to help ensure this has happened, our UK growers especially have had a very hard year. The importance of gardening and fresh air, for both physical and mental health has been a key deciding factor in this decision.

We continue to have our strict Covid measures in place to keep our centre as safe as possible, for staff and customers, including sanitising trolleys, baskets and card machines.

We ask that you help protect us and each other when you visit by continuing social distancing and wearing a face covering.

Once again, we thank all our customers for their fabulous support this year.

We have everything you need for tidying up the garden this autumn including leaf rakes, brooms, secateurs, loppers and other tools, garden bags, trugs and incinerators.

Lots of lovely plants for autumn and winter colour; pansies, cyclamen, primrose, heathers and hellebores, plus evergreen shrubs and conifers.

Extended range of vegetable and flower seeds arriving this week. Our usual wonderful selection of bird food, feeders, feeding stations and bird tables. And dog treats, toys, beds and blankets for our four-legged friends.

Also warm hats, scarves, gloves and wellies for your countryside and beach walks. Face masks and new snoods with built-in filter pocket to keep you warm as well as for protection.

Puzzles and books in case you get bored indoors. Christmas cards, calendars and gift bags.

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