Team Rector of the Gaywood benefice appointed as Honorary Canon to Norwich Cathedral
- By Elaine Bird
- 01 November 2019
- King’s Lynn
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The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher has appointed four new Honorary Canons of Norwich Cathedral, including the Revd Julie Boyd of Gaywood benefice alongside Catherine Dobson, Susanna Gunner and Christian Heycocks.
The Cathedral has 24 Honorary Canons, who, together with 12 Lay Canons, the Archdeacons and Suffragan Bishops make up the College of Canons. This body meets three times a year to worship together, to receive reports from the Dean and Chapter and to think together about the ways in which the Cathedral can contribute the wider mission of our Diocese.
They will be installed at Choral Evensong on Sunday 16 February at 3.30pm at Norwich Cathedral and all are welcome at the service.
The Revd Julie Boyd said:
"To receive an invitation to become an Honorary Canon of Norwich Cathedral and to join the College of Canons has been quite overwhelming and very exciting.
"Being connected to the Cathedral as the mother church in the Diocese has always been very important to me and so now, within this new role as Honorary Canon, I am very much looking forward to strengthening that fellowship and being more involved in helping the Cathedral fulfil its mission and serve the people of the Diocese.
"I look forward to learning more about the role of the College of Canons and hope in time to be an encouragement to the people of the parish of Gaywood and within the Lynn Deanery as I play my part as an ambassador for the Cathedral and as a voice from Gaywood.
"Despite the geography that separates the Cathedral from our churches in the west, we are all one family and it is really important for us all to acknowledge that we belong together and so to take interest in the whole body of Christ in this Diocese. I am very excited by this new opportunity to help grow these connections and I am very grateful to be invited into the life of the Cathedral in this way."
Press release and picture courtesy of The Church of England | Diocese of Norwich.