Sweet treats for Hunstanton Cub Scouts

Sweet treats for Hunstanton Cub Scouts

The Cubs satiated their sweet tooth thanks to Mr Bun the Baker on Hunstanton high street during a special weekly meeting on Monday 19th November.

Eleven Cubs and four Scout leaders were given a masterclass in baking and decorating by Mr Bun owner Peter Gohegan.

The Cubs made turtle breads, constructed their own cardboard boxes and decorated buns and biscuits – marshmallows, icing, melted chocolate and sprinkles were just a few of the options on offer.

At the end of the evening they boxed up their treats and took them home with them.

The 1st Hunstanton Scout Cub pack consist of local children aged between eight and ten who regularly help out at community events around the town.

This was their first visit to Mr Bun and the children were very pleased with their goodies and the Scout leaders praised Peter for his kindness and generosity.

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