Springwood stars’ final thank you to school staff

Springwood stars’ final thank you to school staff

The academic stars of Springwood's class of 2020 may have moved on to the next stage of post-school life, but they have given the King's Lynn school one more reason to smile, after it was confirmed that they had attained its highest-ever number of county scholars.


Megan Tarry and Rosie Huang

The award given out by Norfolk County Council recognises outstanding performances by students in A level or equivalent vocational courses.

This year, the revised A level grades meant Springwood produced a record 73 high achievers, going on to destinations such as Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, Imperial College, and the Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts, to study subjects including medicine, mechanical engineering, theoretical physics and songwriting and performance. Other students have gone on to take up apprenticeships and join the Royal Air Force.

Springwood's executive head Andy Johnson said the high level of achievement was a great compliment to the standard of teaching at the school, and the quality of the pupils it produced.

“This academic year has been unlike anything any of us have experienced before, with the A level results confusion being one last twist in the tail,” he said.

“For so many students to come out of it with such flying colours is a huge testament to how they faced up to such a big challenge, and also how well the teaching staff handled it. Everyone associated with Springwood should be very proud of what they have achieved.”

Former pupils were quick to praise teaching staff for the help they had given them in such challenging times.

“Sometimes I think the teachers believed in me more than I believed in myself,” said Megan Tarry, who secured two A*s and an A to win a place at Durham to study Maths. “I don’t know if I’d have made it without them. They saw my potential and made me work hard.”

Rosie Huang, who is studying computing at Imperial College, also praised the difference made by the teachers’ calmness in such unpredictable times. “Just before shut down, they were so helpful,” she said. “We talked about what was on our minds, and they listened and helped, and they were always contactable.”

Abbie Copping is another high flyer, now studying law at Durham. She said the staff created an atmosphere of excellence and ambition in the school. “They encourage you to as much as you can, and seeing everyone else doing that makes you want to do well as well,” she said.

Abi Rice, who is studying midwifery at Nottingham, said the school encouraged students to stretch themselves and be the best they could.

“They expect the best of you, give you all the information you possibly need and really encourage you to do extra-curricular activities,” she said.

“It was a desperately confusing time for everyone, including the teachers, but they did a great job being as reassuring as they could, and providing whatever support we needed.”

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