Special Grants to support Royal celebrations
- By Elaine Bird
- 02 February 2022
- West Norfolk
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Small grants for street parties, community picnics and tree planting schemes are available.
2022 is set to be a memorable year with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the borough council has created a fund to help communities in West Norfolk both celebrate and commemorate this historic occasion.
It will give small grants of up to £200 for two different types of celebration:
• Grants for those who are hoping to organise Jubilee related activities or events in their parish, for example street parties or community picnics;
• Grants for schemes in line with the Queen’s Green Canopy tree-planting initiative https://queensgreencanopy.org/.
Councillor Sam Sandell, cabinet member for people and communities, said: “Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee will be an occasion to remember, for its historical importance and most especially in west Norfolk because of her special relationship with this area.
“We want to support our community to mark this special occasion with a new grant scheme that will boost celebratory events and have a lasting legacy.”
Both elements of this fund are open to local constituted sports clubs, community groups, clubs, parish and town councils, schools and charity organisations.
A fund of £8,000 in total has been earmarked for both of these schemes. To bid for funding, groups should visit Norfolk Community Foundation and complete the short application form. Applications must be received by noon on 28 February in order to be considered.
Applications will be considered by the funding panel in March and the funds released to successful applicants in later in April.
Note: Applicants may apply to both elements of this fund but should do so on separate forms. There should only be one bid if, for example, there are two events on the same day in the same place.
Deadline for applications to both funds: 28 February 2022.