Snettisham Open Gardens
- By Elaine Bird
- 02 July 2019
- Snettisham
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Seventeen gardens in Snettisham opened their gates to the public on a wonderfully sunny Sunday on 23rd June.
Armed with maps and descriptions of each garden visitors paid £3, which covered entry to all sites, to be educated and entertained by a really interesting group of people who were prepared to trim and weed ahead of the big day in aid of West Norfolk Mind and Norfolk Stroke Association.
With cameras clicking at every venue, and excellent refreshments (my favourite was the lemon drizzle at garden 14) the outstanding feature of the day was the sharing of ideas amongst like-minded people.
Snettisham Gardening Club organises the Open Gardens in the village and Chairman Gail Less, who also opened her garden, said: “We had a fabulous day; the weather was kind, the gardeners and owners were in fine fettle all aided by scrumptious teas and cakes followed by Pimms and fruit punch.
“A thoroughly enjoyable day for gardeners and visitors that raised £800 for our chosen charities.”