Smithdon cluster student led sports festival success

Smithdon cluster student led sports festival success
Picture credit: Ian Burt

Monday saw the successful delivery of a Sports Festival for all schools in the Smithdon Cluster involving 220 Ks1 students, 40 Sports Leaders and 40 Sports Council Reps.

The Cluster Sports council have been meeting throughout the year to plan and deliver a Festival for KS1 students to encourage a Healthy active Lifestyle.

Four council Reps from each of the nine schools involved have set the date, invited schools to attend, written letters of request to potential sponsors and planned the outline of the day of activities

The day itself involved a carousel of Sporting activities led by Sports Leaders that the Council Reps had recruited from their own schools. This was also supported by staff from Alive Oasis who ran two activities for the Council as a form of sponsorship.

After a picnic lunch and more activities the festival was rounded off with a presentation and fun Raffle.

The Sports Council would like to thanks all of the sponsors listed below who helped to ensure the event was a resounding success:

Alive Oasis
TESCO - for providing healthy fruit snacks
Rounce & Evans for Sports Council Reps Tshirts
Snettisham Fish Bar for Sports leaders Tshirts
Attik Estate Agents for Staff Tshirts
Hunstanton Rotary Club for Raffle Prizes
Palm Paper for Stieff Toy raffled off for prizes
Morrisons for Raffle prizes
Heacham Lavender for Raffle Prize
Princess Theatre for Raffle prize

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