Searles Golf Club raise a whopping £4,500 for Norfolk Ambulance and Rescue Service (NARS)
- By Tim Keogh
- 07 March 2022
- Hunstanton
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The money was raised from various events during the Summer and Winter 2021/22 seasons.
Quizzes, the Captain’s charity bottle donations, tournament events and the hard work of the Miss Marple/Hercule Poirot partnership of Louise and Martin Palmer for locating lost balls for resale raised the funds.
NARS is currently in urgent need of two Lucas 3 automatic CPR machines. When attending a patient in cardiac arrest, the machine can be fitted to the patient in a matter of seconds. It then takes over from manual CPR. Paul Strutt, a NARS volunteer, explained the benefits of the Lucas;
- It doesn’t get tired ! It’s only possible, even for a fit, well trained medic, to deliver effective CPR for 1 to 2 minutes.
- The Lucas delivers perfect CPR at the right compression and frequency.
- It runs for around 40 minutes on one battery, although we carry a spare battery which can be plugged into 240V supply.
- It frees up the medic’s hands, allowing them to focus on other tasks.
- It can be used in a moving ambulance, or when a patient is being stretchered downstairs.
- It buys time. This means that a patient can be transported a longer distance to a specialist cardiac centre, instead of the closest receiving point.
The machines cost around £9,500 each, so the Searles donation will contribute nearly half the cost of one machine.
NARS have been operating since 1970, providing additional and invaluable support to the ambulance service in Norfolk. Paul said, “with no government funding, we are completely reliant on donations such as these. They are invaluable and allow us to purchase leading edge equipment such as the Lotus. To put it simply this type of equipment saves lives. Our thanks go to everyone at Searles Golf Club for this donation”.
The Club have also confirmed NARS as their chosen charity partner for all fund raising in the 2022 and 2023 season.