Retiring Police Constable from Norfolk Constabulary Receives Mayor's Award
- By Mackenzie Large
- 25 April 2024
- Hunstanton
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A well-respected Police Constable who has served in the Hunstanton and Burnham local policing team for the past 12 years has received a Mayor's Award.
Francine Heath served 10 years in Greater Manchester Police before moving to Norfolk, where she continued her police service in King’s Lynn. PC Heath was subsequently allocated to Hunstanton and Burnham, where she became Beat Manager.
On Wednesday 24th April, PC Heath was awarded a Mayor’s Award by Mayor Cllr Michael Ruston, who expressed “heartfelt thanks” on behalf of Hunstanton and the surrounding areas that PC Heath has dedicated years to serving.
PC Heath, who was surprised with the award at the Annual Town Meeting, commented that Hunstanton was a “lovely place to work”, adding “if you can choose anywhere to police, choose Hunstanton”. During her tenure, PC Heath valued the community feeling of working in Hunstanton, as she was able to ‘get to know people’, which was not necessarily the case in larger towns and cities.
Police Sergeant Adam Hughes, colleague of PC Heath, commented that it is a “huge loss to see Frankie go”, as she has “irreplaceable knowledge” and a “irreplaceable spirit”. He added, “I wish her the very best for her well-deserved retirement”.
PC Heath is now going to take May “and hopefully a little bit of June” to relax and consider what her next chapter will be.