QE Hospital Children Bereavement Suite Fund receives £8,000 donation

QE Hospital Children Bereavement Suite Fund receives £8,000 donation
Left to right in the picture: Sharon Younge, Fetal Medicine & Bereavement Midwife at the QE, Laurence Morlaas, fund raising executive at the QE, Peter Childerley from Mintlyn Crematorium, Cllr Paul Kunes, Chris Black, Cemeteries & Crematorium manager at the borough council & Mayor of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, Cllr Geoff Hipperson.

Representatives from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn were given a cheque for £8,000 to be donated to the Central Delivery Suite (CDS) Bereavement Fund at Mintlyn Crematorium on Wednesday 6 November.

Cllr Geoff Hipperson, the Mayor of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, and Cllr Paul Kunes, borough council cabinet member for commercial services, presented Laurence Morlaas, fund raising executive, and Sharon Younge, Fetal Medicine and Bereavement Midwife at The QE Hospital with the cheque.

With this latest donation Mintlyn Crematorium will have contributed £90,123 to local charities.

The money has been raised through a charitable scheme, operated by the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM), of which Mintlyn is a member. Under the scheme metal from medical implants is recycled after cremation, with the consent of the family of the deceased. Twice a year the institute asks its scheme members to nominate local charities, which help to support people to cope with the death of loved ones, to receive a donation.

Cllr Paul Kunes said: “Over £90,000 has been raised by Mintlyn Crematorium in the last 8 years for many worthy local causes. I’m delighted to be presenting this cheque.”

Sharon Younge said: “We are sincerely grateful for this generous donation to the Central Delivery Suite (CDS) Bereavement Fund, which will help fund the refurbishment of the dedicated bereavement suite for our families.”

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