Peas and quiet at Northfields Allotments

Peas and quiet at Northfields Allotments
Mayor Michael Ruston at the gates with Angie Stray (stripey top), Mayoress Christine Earnshaw (holding the dog) allotment holders and visitors.

There was never a dill moment at the annual open day.

A queue formed for the open day on Sunday and at 11am Hunstanton Mayor Michael Ruston opened the gates at the town's allotments on the peaceful Northfields site. Accompanied by Mayoress Christine Earnshaw he welcomed the visitors and praised the allotment holders for their work in putting on the event.

Next to the entrance gate the refreshment tent with a wonderful selection of cakes and pastries provided a perfect stop-off on the way in, and out! To complete this article it was essential to sample the lemon drizzle cake (me) and Victoria sponge with strawberries (husband); both were excellent.

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Canny and Julie at the plant stall

The tombola, raffle, book, bric-a-brac, cake, produce and plant stalls along the main pathway through the site were busy with customers from the outset, and at the end of the path in addition to the famous allotment hot dogs, Chinese dumplings made by Joanne Yuan were in high demand.

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Danger Men Cooking (well, that's what it says on the apron): Andrew Murray, Paul Dixon and John Butler

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Pat, Lesley and Richard enjoyed the hot dogs

Judged by Snettisham's David Bocking, Michael Fisher's plot 12C won the Best Allotment.

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Part of Michael Fisher's plot

In third place on plot 15B was Peter Wheeldon.

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The Mayor congratulates Peter and presents his certificate

Visitors were keen to seen the new accessible allotment that is being prepared for people with disabilities, some raised beds have already been built and a special greenhouse that has been purchased with funding from the Hunstanton Charity Shop is to arrive on-site shortly.

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Having toured the site with Northfields committee member Angie Stray, the Mayor said: "It has been a lovely visit; of course the site is not strange to me as I'm on the Allotment Committee as a council member; it's good fun and a great community day.

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"The Town Council works closely with the committee and financially supports projects such as facilities for disabled people and the new clubhouse.

"I will be very interested to see the development of the new allotment with the raised beds in the coming year."

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