Pause for Applause for Clean-up Teams in Hunstanton

Pause for Applause for Clean-up Teams in Hunstanton
The clean-up teams have been particularly busy recently

The teams who are responsible for clearing the promenade following high tides and strong winds have been extra busy keeping it clear of debris over the past four months.

An increase in the amount of material thrown onto the promenade means the clean-up teams have had to clear it 10 times between 14th December and 12th April.

Cllr Bal Anota, the Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Property and Corporate Services, said: “The promenade is primarily a sea defence but it is also an important amenity to the residents and visitors of Hunstanton and it is both well-loved and well-used.

“With more material than usual having been deposited on the promenade over this past winter our clean-up teams have had to clear it again and again to keep it safe for users.

“Many people don’t even realise what happens – it’s usually been cleared by early or mid-morning. But we are very grateful and wanted to make sure the public can see what a great job they do.”

WEB clean up 31 Lee Sayers and Chris Waller clearing the promenade

When high tides and wind combine, significant amounts of material can be thrown up on to the promenade. Debris can range from sand to quite sizeable pebbles and rocks.

This can make the promenade inaccessible for some people, especially those using wheelchairs or prams. Even for people who do not have reduced mobility, the uneven surface increases the risk of injury.

When there has been a significant deposit of material, the teams clear the promenade first thing on the next day, as soon as it is safe to do so.

The photographs show some of the deposits they have cleared this winter and some of the team after a clean-up.

WEB clean 12

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