Norfolk Wildlife Trust Holme Beaches access for dogs consultation
- By Elaine Bird
- 02 March 2023
- Holme-Next-The-Sea
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NWT is holding a series of drop-in events for people to comment on proposals to manage access for dogs differently at Holme Beaches to protect wildlife.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust own a section of Holme beach by the Thornham channel and the rest is owned by the le Strange Estate.
The drop-in events follow a public consultation carried out by NWT during summer 2022 which received over 1,700 responses.
Jonathan Preston, NWT Nature Conservation Manager, said: ‘We were pleased with the response to our public consultation, during which we welcomed the views of many visitors to Holme Beaches on our proposal for adapting beach access for dogs.
‘The need for change is understood and welcomed by many respondents and will help us to strike a vital balance between enabling people to enjoy this special place and protecting the site’s vulnerable wildlife.
‘Following discussions with the le Strange Estate, we would like to offer local residents the opportunity to learn more about our proposals and to ask any questions they may have.’
The events will take place as follows:
- Monday 13 March, 10am - 12noon: Old Hunstanton Village Hall
- Monday 13 March, 2pm - 4pm: Holme Village Hall
- Thursday 16 March, 10am - 12noon: Thornham Village Hall
The beaches at Holme are internationally important for their breeding and overwintering birds. This includes breeding populations of ringed plover, little tern and oystercatcher, all species of conservation concern in the UK. In the autumn up to 50,000 knot use the area for feeding and resting.
Little Terns by Lyn Ibbitson Elks
Dog walking is a popular activity at Holme, and dog ownership has increased in recent years. NWT are expecting an increase in dog use of the site in the future.
Without due care and attention, the presence of dogs on the beaches can result in destruction of nests, predation of young birds or eggs and disturbance to breeding and wintering birds.