Norfolk libraries prepare to reopen

Norfolk libraries prepare to reopen

As the government gives the green light for libraries to reopen, work is underway in Norfolk to get local libraries open to the public.

Some of Norfolk’s libraries are now working to reopen to the public from Monday 6 July.

Norfolk County Council’s Libraries and Health and Safety Teams are putting the right measures in place to ensure they can open to the public with minimal risk to staff and visitors.

This work, which includes site visits, layout changes and briefing and training for all library staff, will keep any risk to a minimum but will continue over the coming weeks, meaning not all Norfolk libraries will reopen on the 6 July.

Details of locations, services offered and opening dates of the library branches due to open in the coming weeks will be published next week, and Norfolk’s long-term plan is to make sure that all of the county’s libraries reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.

Hunstanton's Library is currently situated in Westgate adjacent to the bus station, a site that the Borough Council is proposing to redevelop, and their plans include a larger library as part of that development that will also include a retail unit and 49 new homes.

It is planned that when the building works get underway the Hunstanton Library will move to a temporary home at the Valentine Centre.

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