News from the local churches
- 01 August 2022
- North-West Norfolk
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We ran out of space in the very full August issue so here's the news from local churches...
With parish events now restarted, our parish BBQ will be held at OLSE, Hunstanton on Saturday 20th August. All are welcome and encouraged to come along and enjoy a pleasant social gathering. See the weekly bulletins or website for more details.
Our Strawberry Tea event on Saturday 18th June at St Cecilia’s was a great success. It was lovely to see so many people able to socialise and have an enjoyable afternoon.
We also have regular Rosary prayer meetings at St Cecilia’s every Monday from 2pm. and there is also a Mothers Prayers group which meet at 2.30pm Monday fortnightly at OLSE. We have refreshments after Mass every Sunday at OLSE, Hunstanton and on the first Sunday of each month after Mass and on Wednesdays at St Cecilia’s, Dersingham. There is also a fair-trade stall in the meeting room at St Cecilia’s on the first Sundays of the month.
The Pope’s prayer intention for August: Small Businesses
We pray for small and medium sized businesses amid economic and social crisis, may they find ways to continue operating, and serving their communities.
Our parish has been supporting the appeal for items for Ukraine, with both churches acting as collection points. There is a list of items required in the porches of both churches.
A few members of the parish have been getting together, originally to discuss the Synodal consultation, but have carried on with the meetings to discuss ways to enliven the life of the parish following the drop in attendance due to the pandemic of the last couple of years. The dates of the meetings will be published on the website and in the weekly church bulletins and anyone interested in contributing in any way is more than welcome to attend or pass on ideas.
The Bishops of England and Wales have issued a report looking at the main themes which emerged from the Synod National Synthesis discussions from parishes across the country. The report can be read and downloaded at,uk
Sr Danuta is guiding a regular parish study/discussion group at the Convent every Tuesday, 4.00-5.00pm, looking in more depth at the readings for the following Sundays. Anyone who is interested is welcome to come along to any of the meetings and take part.
The Sisters at St Theresa’s Convent, Sandringham Road, are now offering daily Mass at 12 noon. Please confirm with them if you intend to be present. Contact 01485 532837.
For Parish news including Mass times and prayer requests, please see the Parish News page on our website. For information about live streamed Masses in the Diocese and related matters, including Coronavirus updates see the Links page of our website at,
People are advised not to go to Mass if they have any symptoms, however mild. Wearing masks when coming to church is still advisable, and hand sanitiser is still provided. We now have communal singing of hymns at our Sunday Masses.
The Sunday Masses are at 9am at Mountbatten Road, Dersingham, and 11am at OLSE Sandringham Road, Hunstanton.
Daily Masses are at 10am at Hunstanton on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays and 10.15am at Dersingham on Wednesdays. Email: (please note that this is a new email address, please add it to your address list)
The Parish telephone number is 01485 534675.
If you require a Priest urgently, please telephone V. Rev Canon Peter Rollings on 01553 772220.or email;
Christian Science
High summer, warmth and joy which we all love. It feels so good, and a limitless Good, God, is what Christian Scientists round the globe have celebrated in their Annual Meeting held in June in Boston, USA in person and on zoom. “Love your neighbour as yourself” was part of the theme, together with equality for all. As each one of us loves our family, our friends, country, and our universe, we’re building bridges of goodness and expanding our inner joy. Feel the good and enjoy your summer!
Our services are held on Sundays at 11am at 10 Queen’s Drive, Hunstanton, PE36 6EZ, and on the first Wednesday of the month at 12 o’clock.
Journeys for Flute and Harp
At Heacham Parish Church
Classical Music Rocks is a charity which brings high quality classical music to schools in West Norfolk and financially accessible concerts lead by renowned international musicians.
Heacham Parish Church is delighted to present a concert by Gabriella Dall’Olio, harpist, and Klio Blonz, flautist, on Friday 9th September at 7pm, followed by refreshments.
Gabriella has inspired audiences throughout Europe and the Middle East with her solo recitals and chamber music concerts for the past two decades. After training in Italy, France and Germany she has earned considerable recognition and has recorded for international radio and television corporations, playing premieres and works by twentieth-century and contemporary composers. As well as her performances with Europe’s finest orchestras, Gabriella has enjoyed working in the pop world with Tina Turner, Sting, Phil Collins, UK champion Beatboxer FaithSFX, Kazabian, Elton John and the PetShopBoys. Alongside her busy performing career, Gabriella is committed to teaching and developing the careers of young harpists; she works at Trinity College of Music where she is Head of Harp Studies.
Klio is the Creative Director of CMR and has performed extensively both as a soloist and ensemble player in the UK and abroad. She has been broadcast by BBC Radio 3 and has performed in numerous concerts and arts festivals across Europe.
Tickets cost £10 for adults and are free to under-21s and can be obtained from the Church Office ( 01485 572539 or from Sue Strickland 01485 572343 Payment can be made by cash or bank transfer beforehand and by cash or contactless payment on the day. Bank details – Heacham Parochial Church Council: Sort code 20-46-65 Acct no 10464554 Ref Concert.
We are also hoping to live stream the concert for people living outside the local area at a minimum of £10 per viewing. To book, please contact the Church Office from September 1st where you will be given the link.
All details are on the church’s website and Facebook page @StMarysHeacham
We do hope you will come and join us for this prestigious event.
Church on the Beach
Come and try church with a difference on Brancaster Beach in August, 7th, 11th, 18th, 25th.
In my days as a primary school teacher I enjoyed forest school. When out in the woods I felt a real sense of God, and now I live near the beach, I feel God in the sand and the sea and the sky.
There’ll be some exploring, some chatting, some thinking and some creative prayer.
Bring a picnic lunch for afterwards if you’d like to.
Sit on the sand or bring a blanket or chair.
A time to chill and know more of the God of creation.
Come and find us using the app "what3words". We will be around ///freedom.decorate.musically. If in doubt turn left onto the beach, past the golf club!
For more information text Rev Kirsty on 0777 371 6781 and follow us on Facebook @HSSBCofE
ALL welcome including friendly four-legged friends on leads.
Rector’s magazine article August 2022
Dear Friends,
Those of you reading this letter may be local people or visitors to our part of Norfolk. You may be reading this in between getting lots of things done,while you are drinking a cuppa. You may have picked up the magazine as you are on holiday and reading it while relaxing and enjoying some time away from your hectic life. Whoever you are and however you come to be with us I trust that this August is going to be a good one for you. There is so much beauty in this area that I hope you are able to enjoy in some way. I have friends who come to Norfolk and they always comment on the big skies and beautiful beaches. We who live here all year round can sometimes forget that others don’t see this daily. We are blessed to be able to enjoy where are find ourselves.
In my life and career as a teacher I have moved around a fair bit. You do get used to it, even when moving to a place where you know absolutely no one. I look at it as an exciting time when I can get to meet new people and discover hidden gems. Sometimes stepping out in to the unknown can be scary. It is often just as worrying for those left behind when you go off on your own adventures. I know my mum was worried when I went to Israel for a time when I was 19, with due cause I now appreciate! There will be many of you who are going to send family members off to university or college in the coming months. Perhaps your child is moving to a new job hundreds of miles away or even moving to a different country. It can be a worrying time for those at home as well as those stepping out in to the unknown.
‘Stepping out in to the unknown’ even that phrase can be off putting. There are many occasions in the Bible that we hear, of the people God calls, stepping out in to something new and scary. In our Morning Prayer readings this week I have been reading about Gideon. He is a great example of someone who listened to and followed God… but he had his doubts and questions at times. He is the chap with the fleece… “If you want me to do this thing for you God, make the ground dry and this fleece wet in the morning. Oh, you’ve done it! Well just to be sure, this time make the fleece dry and the ground wet. Oh you did that too!” I can relate to Gideon, he wanted to do what God asked but he was rather wary. He went on to follow God’s guidance and did amazing things.
God was with Gideon, He walked with him and guided him. We too can have God with us as we navigate life: the things that stay the same and the things that change. In the Old Testament God said to Isaiah “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid for I am your God.” Jesus also said to his followers, after encouraging them to bring others to faith, “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
In all of the challenges of life, the changes and excitement as well as the ordinary and mundane we have a promise from God that He will be with us. I delight in this and at times I have to cling on to that promise for dear life! May you be encouraged by this promise and if you need to speak to any of us about your faith, your fears and your joys we are here for you.
God bless you all, enjoy what our lovely area has to offer and stay safe this Summer.
Salvation Army - New Beginnings
There seem to be programmes on television involving members of the public who want to start something new. There is Ben Fogle’s New lives in the country, House in country. All throughout our lives we have new beginnings, such as First day at school. First job, Getting married and having a family, Moving house. So many changes but new beginnings are a challenge for us. It helps us to develop our personalities and our characters.
We have got a new beginning at Snettisham Salvation Army. On the last Sunday in July we welcomed a new Officer to our Corps to be our leader, Lt. Emily Hague.
We are all excited to have welcomed her into our midst and look forward to working with her. If you see her around please speak to her and welcome her to our village, I am sure she will appreciate it.
While we are excited about this new beginning we are still enthusiastic about our usually events. We have CAMEO on Mondays at, a get together for over 50’s, Coffee Mornings on 2nd and 4th Thursdays 10.00-12 noon, Why not come and enjoy a coffee/tea with scone or cake etc. Men’s Fellowship 3rd Wednesday at 7.30pm, the men have a good natter, Craft club 1st Thursday at 2.00pm-4.00pm. Sunday Worship at 11.00am. A warm welcome awaits you at all of these.
Every morning is the beginning of another day, with new opportunities, may we not waste these new days that God has given us.
God is with us all the time
In the morning when joy bells chime
In the evening when lights are low
Our God is with us ever where we go.
Mavis Jones
Snettisham Salvation Army.
For further details Tel. . 07436425118