New funding for up to 1000 smoke alarms in Norfolk homes

New funding for up to 1000 smoke alarms in Norfolk homes

Norfolk Safety CIC have donated £5,000 towards the installation of up to 1000 smoke alarms in homes across Norfolk.

The alarms will be installed by Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service as part of their home fire safety checks which they carry out in the homes of the most vulnerable people in Norfolk.

Margaret Dewsbury, Cabinet member for Communities and Partnerships at Norfolk County Council, said:

“Our fire and rescue service play a vital role in protecting those most at risk in our county. This funding will allow them to provide piece of mind and an early warning for thousands of people in Norfolk who need it most.”

Norfolk Safety CIC’s Managing Director Glenn Floyd said:

“Smoke alarms should be an essential part of every home as early detection can significantly reduce your risk of harm. We are therefore delighted to be supporting the work of the fire and rescue service, made possible from delivering Fire Marshal and First Aid courses to businesses and organisations across the county.”

The smoke alarms will be installed following home fire safety checks which Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service carry out for those considered to be most at risk. The checks aim to help residents prevent a fire in their home by reducing the potential risks and advises them how to stay safe if one occurs.

The checks are carried out following an assessment of need which includes checking if residents have mobility issues, live alone or whether anyone living there is profoundly deaf.

Last year Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service carried out 4000 fire safety checks and helped to install 3000 Smoke alarms.

Checks will often be carried out following a referral from a professional but people can self-refer online.

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