New Farmer’s Market in Town!

New Farmer’s Market in Town!

In February 2017 the Norfolk Deli launched a twice monthly event which they called "Showcase Saturdays". One or more local Norfolk producers would join Mark & Rosie to showcase their products, meeting customers, with samples/tasters of their products. The popularity of Showcase Saturdays could be attributed to their resemblance to a mini farmer's market and let's face it everybody loves a good farmer's market. “Our customers were able to meet the producer, sample their products and then take some home, while producers would get valuable feedback from our customers” said Mark Kacary (Managing Director).

In recently years, Mark and Rosie noticed how the growth of Farmer's Markets held around Norfolk was making it harder for producers commit to attending them all. “When you discover a fantastic product at a farmers market you always hope to come across that producer again so that you can restock” said Rosie, “But if you can’t guarantee that the same producers will be back the following month the sales opportunity for repeat business might be lost”.

“It’s not cheap for producers to attend Farmer’s markets” said Mark, “it’s not just the cost of the pitch, but its their time too that has to be taken into consideration”. The popularity of Norfolk as a holiday desitination has resulted in many visitors discovering Norfolk’s fantastic produce, but where do you go to restock a Norfolk jam, chutney or mustard if you live in London and beyond?

The eurka moment came approximately 3 months ago. “we were looking at how best to grow the business and it dawned on me that all it would take is a redesign of the website to plug a gap in the Norfolk food market” said Mark. Customers can take a virtual stroll through the Norfolk Deli’s “Norfolk’s Online Farmers Market”. Stop off at The Norfolk Cheese Shop, choose some cheese from the best of Norfok cheesemakers, add some chutney, Norfolk wines or ales. There are approximately 400 products to choose from.

With the launch of Norfolk’s Online Farmer’s Market The Norfolk Deli would like to encourage as many people as possible to come and visit Norfolk. Visit farmer's markets and try some of the great produce made in this county. However, once home people can visit the Online Farmers Market and restock on their favourites. “One advantage we can offer which is harder to achieve at a real farmer’s market is the ability for customers to choose from a range of pre-configured hampers or create a bespoke hamper online which can be sent to friends, colleagues and clients” said Mark.

We work with some remarkable people who make some remarkable products. We want to help promote their products to a wider audience and feel that virtual Farmer’s Marketis the perfect platform to do so. We’re open to adding additional Norfolk producers and their products to our Farmer’s Market.

For further information, or a more in-depth interview feel free to contact Mark Kacary via email

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