Magical moment with Mother Nature

Magical moment with Mother Nature
James Thaxter with Grace (3) and Mother Nature

Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve proved the perfect enchanting backdrop on Saturday December 14 when the RSPB hosted their first ever Winter Wonderland day.

Eight children were treated to an ‘alternative Christmas’ where they played games and enjoyed afternoon tea in a cosy gingerbread house before being guided by elves through magical woodland to meet Mother Nature.

Mother Nature, played by volunteer Jill Ferrer, rewarded each child with a present to thank them for what they have done for nature this year.

They are hoping to hold more Winter Wonderland days next Christmas.

Hayley Roan, Senior Site Manager, said: “Because we’re an RSPB nature reserve, we do Mother Nature instead of Father Christmas at Christmastime.

“Staff and volunteers all sat down together and thought, ‘Right, how do we make Christmas special for children? How do we make it non-commercialised with a really strong, solid connection to nature?’ And this is what we came up with!”


Mother Nature's abode was decorated with foliage from the reserve

Jill Ferrer, Mother Nature, said: “I like it very much because the children are involved and it’s about what they have done for nature, so hopefully they will carry on doing it and it will be an important aspect of their lives.”

Titchwell Marsh boasts diverse habitats that include reedbeds, saltmarsh and freshwater lagoons where avocets, bearded tits and marsh harriers nest.

The RSPB is a charitable organisation registered founded in 1889 which works to promote conservation and protection of birds and the wider environment.

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