Lou combines studying with volunteering as a lifeboat and Hovercraft crew member

Lou combines studying with volunteering as a lifeboat and Hovercraft crew member

Louise Kyle, 19, studies engineering at the College of West Anglia in King's Lynn.

After following her mother Clare into the busy team of volunteers at Hunstanton two years ago, she now crews on board both the station's inshore lifeboat and its hovercraft.

Her older sister Elise, 22, has also signed up at the station, where she is part of the shore crew and hopes to follow her mum into the tractor cab.

'Mum's a tractor driver at the station, so I just came up to help her one day and I just got hooked,' said Louise.

'I'm doing the Reindeer Run, which is a mile a day over 24 days in December to raise funds for the RNLI.

WEB Lou Reindeer

'I'll be running a mile for every hour that the crew will be on call and available over Christmas.'

Louise, Clare and Elise all perform vital jobs alongside other volunteers at the station, which is one of the busiest in Norfolk.

Like the RNLI's crews at stations around the country, the team at Hunstanton are on call 24/7, 365 days a year - including Christmas Day.

Elise is also taking up the Reindeer Run challenge along with Charlie Parfitt, who is one of the station's hovercraft commanders.

The trio each have a page on the RNLI's Reindeer Run site - to support their efforts, go to fundraise.rnli.org/event/reindeer-run and key their name into the search.

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