Lest We Should Forget

Lest We Should Forget
Lest we should forget - Remembrance in Hunstanton

Veterans, scouts and members of a town’s Polish community gathered for an act of remembrance today.

They met at Hunstanton Cemetery, where there are 19 war graves, for a service led by Fr John Bloomfield.

"We remember with thanksgiving and sorrow those whose lives, in world wars and conflicts past and present, have been given and taken away,” he said.

After the Last Post and prayers, the names of all 19 were read out. Bozena Jurewicz read out the names of the six Polish servicemen included in their ranks: Sgt Mieczyslaw Mroz, Sgt Wladyslaw Kapuscinski, platoon leader Mieczyslaw Byrczak, Sgt Tadeusz Tomaszewski, Cpl Jozef Czapinski and platoon leader Roman Skubik.

All were members of the Polish Air Force who died on training flights. Afterwards, Miss Jurewicz said she felt proud and emotional to honour her countrymen.

Mark Wilson read out the names of UK and Commonwealth dead in the cemetery: Capt John Boyce, Royal Army Ordnance Corps; Sgt Paul Carreau, Royal Canadian Air Force; gunner Thomas Crown, Royal Artillery; aircraftman Alfred Flint, RAF Reserve; flying officer James Galbraith, Royal Canadian Air Force; Pte John Higgins, Pioneer Corps; flying officer Frank Jackson, RAF Reserve; pilot officer Raymond Kean, RAF; Flt Sgt John Powell, Royal Canadian Air Force; able seaman Reginald Scobie, Royal Navy; Sgt Alfred Walker, RAF Reserve; ordinary signalman James Bush, Royal Navy and lance Sgt Edwin Hine, Coldstream Guards.

Image courtesy of Chris Bishop

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