Latest update on the A149

Latest update on the A149

T&A magazine has been pursuing the progression of the developments to the A149 for some time and we have just received a report from Norfolk County Council concerning the current position.

The main concerns in the initial proposals for many of the Parish Councils along the route were that the closure of some of the junctions along A149 would reduce reasonable access for local residents. Officers have listened to the Parish Councils’ feedback and are no longer proposing any closures.

The junctions will be reviewed for safety and a series of improvements at these locations such as better road markings, signage, new layouts to separate traffic, measures to enhance day/night visibility and pedestrian safety in consultation with the parishes and others will be brought forward in due course.

Issues about volumes of traffic brought on by the resurgence of staycations and the increase in new homes being built along and adjacent to the A149 have been largely put ‘on a back burner’ with promises of constant review.

Web speed cameras

The very quick installation of the average speed radar cameras which are currently operational at 60mph, the national speed limit, will be set to a new localised limit of 50mph shortly (we do not have a date yet).

The three main Parish Councils along the route together with the Police and Fire Service plus other interested parties are all supporting the reduction to 50mph on the particular sections (see map below) to increase safety.


We at T&A will attempt to keep all interested parties advised of any and all updates in the situation.

The junction in Heacham, Lamsey Lane, is of especial interest and we should expect some announcements about this shortly.

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