KL1 radio station celebrates first year of broadcasting with cake!

KL1 radio station celebrates first year of broadcasting with cake!
Richard Dix and Michelle Knott

The Heacham based radio station is looking forward to a great future.

Congratulations to Heacham's Richard Dix and team at KL1 radio today as they mark their first year of broadcasting.

KL1 is the local multi-digital radio for King's Lynn and West Norfolk, providing great music, local news, views, events and information. It is available on all smart speakers, a free device app from all app stores and online at KL1Radio.co.uk

With local news on the hour, and during the breakfast show this increases to every half-hour, and over 4000 unique listeners they are a truly local station engaging with the community.

T&A called by the station today with cake to catch up with the station's news. Richard Dix said: "We have a party vibe going on today and we are pumping out great music quicker than fuel!"

As to future plans for the station, Richard was pleased to confirm: "KL1 should be on DAB by Christmas, making us much more accessible for new listeners." 

Richard was keen to tell us about their special projects: "We're promoting what we call 'Teamwork', supporting the voluntary sector with free promotions.

"We've already been involved with the Purfleet Trust, the Night Shelter, SOS Bus and the Round Table Fireworks.

"Essentially it means that we record an interview, or series of snippets for the organisation and promote them free of charge on the station."

In another initiative, once a month the station hosts a Business Club zoom meeting where local businesses get together to discuss their businesses, and issues in West Norfolk. The next one is on 21st October and anyone interested can go to the KL1 website and register for the event.

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