Janet and Jim Race initiate the first Heacham Yard Sale

Janet and Jim Race initiate the first Heacham Yard Sale
Janet and Jim Race

Organised in just seven days after a pleasant trip to the Snettisham Yard Sale, Janet and Jim Race’s Heacham event had over 75 stalls open for business on Sunday 30 August.

Janet said: “ After we’d been to the Snettisham event I posted the idea of a community yard sale in Heacham on the village Facebook page and by Wednesday fifty-five households had signed up for it.

“We started marking-up a map with all the different venues and had to keep updating it as the numbers grew – by Saturday there were over seventy-five households with stalls!

The event ran from 10am to 1pm and attracted lots of villagers to take to the streets.

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Janice Curtis & (R) Jeannie Tooley

“People felt safe coming out, some of them for the first time since lockdown, and everyone had a really good day.

“There were charity stalls as well as household sales by people who had used their time at home to have a good clear out,” she added.

Asked if she would be willing to organise another day Janet said that if enough people were interested a Spring Sale could be on the cards.

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Photos by Ian Burt.

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