Hunstanton music festival on the Green

Hunstanton music festival on the Green

The HDFA’s Music Festival has moved outdoors for 2019 to Hunstanton’s famous Green, which sweeps gently down to the sea front. It will take place on Saturday, September 7, and for the first time the Festival will embrace music from all genres from Folk to Rock, singer songwriters to recording artists. It will have all that is good in live music!

There will be marquees and food stalls to support the raised platform stage and entry will be free.
Playing Live this year will be -

Steve Smith
The Kings Morris Men
Jenny Beake as "Hilarity Jen”, the award winning musical comedienne

The Melody Beats
Martin Day
Springwood School Big Band
The Sheringham Shantymen
The Fabulous Fried Pirates
And Mr Ian Wells, who will also compere the show.

The show starts at Midday and will run till 7.00pm. Please, bring suitable seating and weather protection.
Further information from Ian Wells on 07766561993

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