Hunstanton & District Rotary Changeover at Jimmy’s Field

Hunstanton & District Rotary Changeover at Jimmy’s Field
Outgoing President John Crofts presents the chain of office to Mick Harpley

1st Snettisham Scouts provided the venue this year.

Rotarians have long served as role models, demonstrating leadership, character, and the value of selfless service to the community. These values are parallel those articulated in the Scout Promise so it was fitting that this year’s Rotary Changeover was held at the 1st Snettisham Scout Group at Jimmy’s Field in Snettisham.

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A barbecue was prepared by 1st Snettisham Scout Group Rob Shears, David Scott (Leader) and David McGuinness.

Despite there being fewer numbers in attendance than previous years to adhere to Covid restrictions, and warm jackets rather than evening wear, the event still included all the traditions of a pre-Covid Rotary changeover and the chain was passed from John Crofts who had served as President since 2019 to new President Mick Harpley.

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Past Presidents in attendance included Adrian Evans, Hilary Farrell, John Hornsby-Bates, Peter Atterbury and Muriel Motley.

In another link between the two organisations, Mick is a fundraiser for the 1st Hunstanton Scout Group working with Scout Leaders and George Deverick, a local Parish Councillor and retired builder.

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George is pictured right while the chefs take a break from cooking

Outgoing President John Crofts expressed warm thanks to the Scouts for hosting the event and said: “The new building is a fine facility and one that Hunstanton Rotary is pleased to support”.

Asked about his stand-out moment in office he said: “This was during my first year when we were able to raise essential funds from the Kite and Classic Car Festival and The Norton Hill Light Railway weekends. We achieved £25K and this enabled us to help local organisations, projects and charities.

“We knew we wouldn’t be able to hold these events in 2020 but none of us really anticipated that they wouldn’t be able to go ahead again this year which is very sad.”

Presenting President Mick Harpley with the chain he wished him a successful term in office.

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In his acceptance speech the new President thanked members and the committee chairmen for their support and promise of hard work in the year ahead.

To loud applause he said: “I’d like to thank John for doing such a fabulous job over the last two very difficult years.”

The first fundraising event for the new President will be a Bra Day in Hunstanton on 28th August for Breast Cancer. This will also be a PR day for the club and membership drive.

President Mick also said that he hopes to be able to work with the Scouts so that the building conceived by George and the Scouting team could be finished. Two years into the build the project now needs finishing off and fundraising is essential to provide a wet room for the disabled and two sets of three toilets, showers and wash hand basins. There are also plans to build an open sided building in the field so activities can go ahead whatever the weather.

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