Heacham history and triple 400th Memorial 2022

Heacham history and triple 400th Memorial 2022

Pocahontas & John Rolfe history

I have been researching our village Pocahontas & John Rolfe history since 1995 inspired by Mrs Freda England who said always find the real proof history documents. We saved our old films + books donated fundraise for Charities + documents + models + posters and we share this research for free for fun with others globally in the many Museums in UK and America and Bermuda we have all found with more than 50 names of volunteer researchers since 1925 as it changed international history and first united our two nations and Pocahontas on our village signpost and her Heacham husband John Rolfe and their son Thomas Rolfe are three important peacemakers that lasted 38 years with three special Peace Treaties they made with her Father Chief Powhatan 1614 and then his cousins Chief Nectowance and son Chief Totopotomoi when Thomas Rolfe was age 35 .

As you may remember we had a fantastic Happy Indigenous Families Day on October 11th 2021 with my special thank you with some of our research in the Heacham Newsletter November 2021 to their team and Danny Keen.

But we have had many more celebrations since 1925! At Sedgeford Hall Pocahontas Pageant saved in my neighbours old photos Audrey Benstead who was a bridesmaid age 9 including the spectacular 1997 Pocahontas Pageant at Kings Lynn Corn Exchange saved on film and for 400th Memorials in 2007 Jamestown with Virginia Chorus Children Choir +Village Pageant + Pocahontas History Day organised brilliantly by Phillipa Sewell and PCT then 2009 Bermuda 400th and 2014 Wedding Anniversary 400th with 22 Colonial Dames and 2017 Pocahontas 400th at Gravesend and now 2022 is a TRIPLE 400th MEMORIAL explained in my attached update good news archives message.

Rolfe family tree page 1 only as landscape size

Enjoy the history and celebrate John Rolfe who sadly died aged 37 of the many deadly diseases on 22nd March 1622 at his Varina home Henricho Virginia America and has never been remembered in Heacham; and they definitely need new Memorial windows in the Heacham church Ladies Chapel near where his family + parents + famous stepfather are buried + 3 new statues in Heacham opposite the church as Lord Nelson has just been given a new one carved in his village + new Museum planned - two very important Norfolk men who both changed history.

So read my interesting research notes + special TRIPLE 400th RED POSTER + the photos proof as 10 of my exhibition posters were displayed last summer at Hunstanton Heritage Centre and 26 posters + models + books every summer 1997-2014 in Heacham St Mary's Church and 15 posters at Gravesend St Georges Church 2017 used again on Happy Indigenous Families Day October 11th 2021 and our Pocahontas Dove Of Peace 2015 film was used on Thanksgiving Day 2021 in America by CBN shown again in many towns schools churches in America all shared on the Heacham Heritage Facebook


But there is LOTS MORE archive found since 2015 that I can explain that needs filming and preserving for ever in our Heritage Museums and in America who I link to and we support Pocahontas descendant Rappahannock Chief Anne Nelson Richardson and her excellent films + lectures + conferences + their research history Pocahontas Peace projects with two special awards and more exciting news this week about new important Tobacco 'pharmed' medicines for COVID and TROPICAL and other deadly diseases that are saving lives made in Kentucky America linked to UK and Thailand and Germany .

We hope that Chief Anne and her American friends linked to these important triple families can visit in autumn on Happy Indigenous Families Day October 10th 2022 and the Royals and Rolfes to plant a new memorial mulberry tree and hopefully swap their bibles back to the correct families and celebrate this history .

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